
From the desk of the Sheriff


Well it has been an eventful month for members of the Sheriff’s Office and the community in general.

One of the biggest things that was brought up during my run for Sheriff was transparency of the office. I recently did an interview with the Lockhart Post Register where she was thankful for the number of press releases we had sent in the first two weeks of the month. At the end of the interview we discussed this piece and I was asked if I would do a monthly article discussing the current events of the Sheriff’s Office.

As many of you know and have seen, we have made some significant changes at the Sheriff’s Office this first month. We have moved some folks into and out of positions and even written new job descriptions for better work flow and to better serve our community. We have “re-branded” the look of the Sheriff’s Office with new patrol car designs and small uniform changes.

I have brought a new Chief Deputy in, Jon Craigmile. He has a wide range of experience including jail, patrol, criminal investigations, SWAT as well as experience in Fire and EMS. Chief Craigmile has spent the last 28 years at Hays County Sheriff’s Office where he retired as Patrol Lieutenant December 31st and was then sworn in just after midnight on January 1st.

Together, Chief Craigmile and I, look forward to making many changes in the coming years but it will not happen overnight.

We are looking at the possibility of working with our partners in Lockhart and Luling to bring all of our dispatch centers together. If we can manage this great undertaking it will improve communications between agencies as well as cut down response times on multi agency calls for service.

We are looking at expanding our animal control into its own division in the future allowing us to provide faster and more comprehensive services and allowing patrol deputies to focus on patrol duties.

We are also looking toward the possibilities of joining one or two Federal task forces. This will allow for more and much larger resources into investigating organized crime in and around our area.

We are already well on our way to achieving the goal of sub-stations around the county. This will allow the deputies to work on reports or meet complainants at these sub stations and keep them in the communities they are assigned.

I have made a commitment to this community to be transparent and available. I have every intention to be here for you. If I am out of the office its because I am somewhere in the county working for you. If you would like to visit with me call the office at 512-398-6777 X 4501 or come by 1204 Reed Drive.

On another note, It’s time once again for the Caldwell County Jr. Livestock show. With all of the COVID restrictions if you would like to show support but not be in the crowd please look into a buyer’s group. This allows for more people to pitch in and usually puts more money in the kids college fund. There are several buyers groups out there but I happen to raise money for one of them. The Caldwell County Buyers Group has been around for as long as I can remember and I have had the pleasure of heading it up for the last few years. If you are interested in pledging please call me at 512-398-6777 X 4501 or email at     

I will say again, I thank you for all of the support I have received since announcing my run for Sheriff and I look forward to working with you in the coming years.

Mike Lane, Sheriff


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