From the Sidelines – All you need is love


Love. Love is all you need.
Who else but the Beatles could infuse the world around them with so much love with their songs and music?
I’m sure everyone could name other bands or groups that have come close to reaching the heights of fame and fortune that the Beatles reached in their day, but my question remains, who else could infuse the world around them with

so much love with songs and music?
You don’t have to answer that. I’m just asking you to consider the songs and music that the Beatles wrote and compare them to the songs and music that gets to our children’s impressionable ears in today’s world. Where is the love?
Many of the songs, not all, are about the direct opposite of love. They are about other four letter words like hate, pain, kill, (fill in the blank) etc.
Listen, I’m not even much of a Beatles fan myself, but as I have grown older I have learned to appreciate their lyrics more and more. The truth is I am more of a Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones kind of guy with a penchant for the blues.
Why then, do I feel compelled to share my feelings of appreciation and dare I say love for music and songs that celebrate love?
Well, for one thing, I am loved. I am absolutely positive that my God loves me unconditionally. I am loved. My children and my wife love me unconditionally. My mother loves me unconditionally. My siblings love me, sometimes, conditionally, but I am loved. I am loved.
My son is the Beatles fan in the family and through him I have learned to love beyond comprehension. I have learned what “love is patient, love is kind” truly means. He is an excellent teacher.
It is no accident that the Beatles music has made resurgence in the world and now with a Cirque de Soliel LOVE tour and Julie Taymor’s “Across the Universe” movie out on DVD, many more people will be able to share in the love that their music was meant to express.
Love, love, love, love is all you need. Treat yourself to a little bit of love this week. See if you can share it with someone who needs it. God knows we all need a little love once in a while. Remember that you need to give in order to receive. That Golden Rule applies to everything-everything.
I am sharing these words with you out of love. This is my Valentine to you. You will not offend me if you are not receptive to this gift. “Nothing’s gonna change my world.”
Finally, at the risk of sounding redundant, despite all of our wants and desires, all we need is love. Love is all you need.
On this Valentine’s Day remember to love your God, love your spouse, love your children, love your parents, love your siblings, love your neighbor, love your brothers and sisters, love your friends, love your world, love…just love.
Happy Valentine’s Day.


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