Gov. Abbott order allows additional businesses to reopen


LPR staff report

Governor Greg Abbott on Tuesday issued a proclamation expanding additional services and activities that can open under Phase II of the state’s plan to safely and strategically open.
Abbott noted water parks, recreational sport programs for adults, driver education programs, and food-court dining areas within shopping malls can begin operations with limited occupancy or regulations to protect the health and safety of Texans.
Beginning Friday, water parks will be allowed to reopen but must limit their occupancy to 25 percent of normal operating limits. Video arcade components of these parks will be required to remain closed.
Starting Sunday, May 31st, recreational sports programs for adults can resume, but games and similar competitions may not begin until June 15th. Guidelines suggest both spectators and staff should consider wearing face masks, and group excursions are strongly discouraged.
The guidelines also stress that for two weeks after participating in a practice or game, participants are at a greater risk of passing the virus onto anyone 65 years or older.

Driver education programs can resume operations immediately and can operate at 25 percent capacity for classroom instruction. Students and instructors should remain six feet apart, except when receiving in-car instructions or participating in a road test, according to the guidelines.
Abbott noted food-court dining areas within shopping malls can also immediately resume operations, but malls are encouraged to designate one or more individuals who are responsible for ensuring health and safety practices are followed, including: limiting tables to six individuals; maintaining a six-feet distance between individuals sitting at different tables; cleaning and disinfecting tables between uses; and ensuring no condiments or other items are left on tables between customer uses.
As of Tuesday afternoon, the Texas Department of State Health Services reported that over 943,200 Texans had been tested for COVID-19, with 56,560 confirmed cases and 1,536 COVID-19 related deaths.
Locally, Caldwell County now has 50 confirmed cases resulting in no deaths. Forty of these cases are active, with one patient being hospitalized


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