
Group attempting to decriminalize low-level marijuana possession in Lockhart


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

A non-profit organization in San Marcos is trying to decriminalize low-level marijuana possession in Lockhart.

Elle Cross, Right to Justice Coordinator for Mano Amiga, addressed the Lockhart City Council last week noting she was leading the campaign.

“I think there are many, many reasons to support decriminalization it,” Cross said. “I think it’s a really useful way to reprioritize city funds to something that can be much more useful for its community.”

Cross said her organization helped work for a similar campaign in San Marcos and it passed with 83percent of the vote.

Cross said in just a month Mano Amiga had collected three-quarters of the signatures needed with five months remaining.

“So, there is a good chance it will be on your November (general election) ballot,” Cross said. “Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing five cities over the decriminalization of marijuana. We are seeing that he is attacking democracy at work. This is something that Texans are ready for. We don’t want to waste people’s tax dollars by putting people in cages and ruining their lives.”

Paxton has filed lawsuits against the cities of Austin, San Marcos, Killeen, Elgin, and Denton for their adoption of laws which have adopted ordinances or policies instructing police not to enforce Texas drug laws concerning possession and distribution of marijuana.

In other business:

After going unto executive session, The City Council denied, by a unanimous 7-0 vote, a petition to release 101.8 acres of land from the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), property located at 542 FM 672. The request was by Donald O’Neil.

The City Council entered an Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) with TxDOT authorizing a partnership agreement for signal/traffic improvements to the intersection of SH 142, W. San Antonio St., and Mockingbird Lane to allow for more traffic flow.

The City Council approved a resolution authorizing LPD to apply for the Ballistic Shield Project Grant through the Office of the Governor for ten ballistic shields to use in any possible response to an active shooter or barricaded subject situation.

The Council appointed Nigel Gusdorf to the Airport Advisory Board for a term to expire in November 2025. He was nominated by Councilmember Juan Mendoza.

The Lockhart Recycling Center, located at 110 N. Brazos Street, has extended its hours. It will open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed for lunch from 12-1 p.m.). It is open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. It is closed on Sunday.

The City Council approved a zoning change request at 1925 FM 2001 from an Agricultural-Open Space to Planned Development District in 53 acres. The plan is to develop a future facility for RealCold Storage.

Lockhart City Manager Steve Lewis noted the newly formed ESD No. 5 Board of Commissioners held its first public meeting, appointing Jeremy Driver as its President.

KidFish will be held at the Lockhart City Park Pond on Saturday, March 16, beginning at 9 a.m.


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