He will always give you his full attention


Jim Honeycutt

Chaplain-Baptist Minister

Planted deep within my soul stands the influence of my father. And though he traveled to glory many years past, his voice resounds clear today, speaking in memories, truthful reminders of purpose and reason.

On the couch this morning I sat drinking my coffee, while Amigo my 10-year-old Chihuahua, snuggled close by my side. Not satisfied with the inattention I was giving him, he licked my hand while attempting to crawl up my stomach and chest to reach eye level. I carefully, lovingly, moved him back to my side, all the while speaking words of comfort and reassurance. But he was not satisfied with just my words; he desired my full attention upon him. Unable to hold my coffee and give him the mindfulness he fully desired, I sat down my cup and turned my gaze fully to my little buddy.

Just sitting there petting Amigo, I began to smile, for in my mind I could see my father siting on the front porch of the old house where I grew up, loving on, while talking to a dog that had wandered into our yard. “Are you a good boy? Yes you are, yes you are!” he would say, all the while petting the visiting pup. His very words, now echoed by my own lips to my little amigo, created a sweet memory of the days when my life seemed carefree. Carefree… what would that feel like today?

There are times when the trials of life become so prevalent, I long to sit by my father’s side and hear the words he spoke over me. I long to hear his voice and feel his gaze upon me, soothing my worries and calming my fears. I long to ask him questions about life. And what he would do about the issues I face. But most of all I long to ask him if I’m on the right path. Is this the way? For even though I have many brothers and sisters in The Faith to sit by me, many encouragers of Christ to speak into my life.

The voice of my father brought something they cannot. A level of assurance built upon our relationship. For I wasn’t just his son, I was one entrusted to him by God The Father. Entrusted to not only provide for my physical needs, but fully entrusted to teach me of Christ, our loving, merciful Savior, in whom he placed his complete hope. And my father, Walter, took this responsibility very, very seriously. 

Yet, the words he spoke over me weren’t his own. They weren’t even his father’s he had heard as a boy. When my father spoke to me, whether it was correction or encouragement, he used the words taught him through his relationship with Jesus; words of scripture, put into practice, echoed by his heart, spoken to my heart, shared in love and hope, planted deep within my soul. Now if he spoke these words and didn’t strive to make them valid in his life, they would have been completely empty, hollow. Just words, lifeless. But they were robust and full of truth, completely revealing the depth of his faith in Jesus.

This is what I long to hear, heart expressed truth! God’s truth, spoken with conviction, purposeful and life giving. A truth that comes by testing. A truth that comes by experiencing the transformation of one’s heart. A truth that breaks the shackles of error. 

Many all around me speak words that they have heard, mimicking the talk of those that influence their lives. Words that sound sincere, words that sound wise, words that sound truthful, yet are nothing more than breath with noise. Snoring has as much validity. And just like my snoring when I sleep, it’s a lot of racket with little to show for it other than disturbing others rest. 

True words, words of life, words of encouragement, words that make a difference in my daily walk, this is what I long for…

The Truth that first lived in the heart of my grandfather, passed on to and residing in the heart of of my father, now possess me. And that Truth is that Jesus Christ is more than just a philosophy of love, He is Love. Jesus is more than a bunch of clever words. He is The Word. He is more than just a promise. He is The Promise. 

If there is any encouragement for your heart, if there is any hope for your soul, if there is any way passed the darkness all around, it will come from the words Jesus Christ speaks over you. Sit, take time to speak with Him. By experience I can assure you, just like a Loving Father He will give you His full attention. May peace abound in your life as you seek His face.


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