
Household hazardous waste collection on Saturday


LPR Staff Report

The City of Lockhart will host its annual household hazardous waste collection event on Saturday at Lockhart City Park from 9 a.m.-noon in the pool parking lot at main/central pavilion.
The drive, which is open to city residents only, is a chance to get rid of old cleaning products, drain cleaners, concentrates, degreasers, oven cleaners, solvents, polishers, pool chemicals, household batteries, paints and varnishes.
Prohibited items include waste generated by businesses and commercial farming, tires, chemical containers larger than 5 gallons, medical waste, sharps, empty containers, compressed gas cylinders, ammunition, gun powder, metal, wire and PCBs.
Old electronics are also not accepted. These go to the Lockhart Recycling Center, officials said.
Those participating must bring proof of residence. A utility bill is recommended.
Sponsors include the city, Keep Lockhart Beautiful and Central Texas Refuse.


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