Junior Varsity Lions skin Leopards 27-26


By Alonzo Garza

Summer rain drizzled upon the freshman Lions briefly as they started their game against La Grange at Lion Stadium on Thursday, Aug. 30. With a complete rainbow arching across the east side of the stadium, the freshman embarked on what would turn out to be a tough, exciting game. The Lions and the Leopards were both equally determine

d to win at any cost and pushed hard until the end. The game ended in a 14-14 tie.
The junior varsity Lions, who were spared any rain at all, played an even more exciting game of hard-hitting high school football on Thursday night. They played well despite some costly mistakes but came out ahead at the very end. The junior varsity game ended with an outstanding 27-26 win for the Lions.
The freshman game started at 5 p.m. and quickly got to a level of excitement that would remain until the end of the game. With 7:46 left in the first quarter, Brooks Pittman scored a touchdown for a 6-0 lead. The two extra points attempt was thwarted by the freshman Leopards.
Highlights in the game came from Pittman who scored a 46-yard touchdown run on sweep and a two-point conversion on another sweep. Guillermo Juarez scored a 5-yard touchdown run up the middle.
Key defensive plays came from Ben McCarthy who sacked the Leopard quarterback for a seven-yard loss and Steven Post and Omar Estrada for sacking the Leopard quarterback for a 5-yard loss.
The junior varsity game began with a fumble and would continue to be plagued with more fumbles as the game went on. Both teams were equally responsible and both teams paid dearly for their mistakes.
At the beginning of the first quarter Lockhart took the ball all the way to the 20-yard line then fumbled it. La Grange took over with the crowd on both sides of the stands on their feet. The quarter ended at 0-0.
The second quarter started out with a big bang for the junior varsity Lions, who scored within the first few seconds of the quarter. The score was 6-0 with 9:53 left in the second quarter. The extra point was good with a nice kick from Pittman. By 8:05 on the clock the Leopard quarter back ran into the end zone for a touchdown. The extra point was not good so the score went to 7-6.
An interception by Brian Post would turn the game and the momentum around. The Lions took a first down at the six -yard line with 3:36 on the clock. Brian Martinez ran in for a touchdown and the score changed to 13-6 in Lockhart’s favor. Once again, the extra point attempt was no good.
With 2:08 left on the clock the Leopard quarterback threw a beautiful 75-yard pass and connects. The score stalled for a moment at 13-12 because the Leopard’s attempt at two extra points failed. The second quarter and the first half of the game end at 13-12 with Lockhart on top.The third quarter started out with two fumbles within the first few seconds. The lions recovered the ball and went on to score. Martinez rushed in for another touchdown to end the third quarter at 19-12.
During the fourth quarter it was the Leopards’ turn to score. The Lions fumbled allowing the Leopards to make an 80-yard run for a touchdown making the score a nail-biting 19-18. The Leopards tried for two extra points and scored changing the score once more to 19-20 with the Leopards on top.
With 3:30 left in the game, the Lions scored. Then Kendall Till rushed in for a successful two-point conversion and a score of 27-20 and the Lions back in the lead. At 46 seconds left on the clock and the game the Leopards pushed hard and earned a touchdown making the score 27-26. The clock ran out on the Leopards and the Lions won by a whisker.
The evening’s highlights included four touchdowns scored by Martinez, who rushed for a total of 224 yards in the game. Quarterback Tyler Tolley passed for a 4-yard, two point conversion to receiver Till.
Kicker, Michael Pittman was one for three on extra points.
“The kids are playing like winners,” said Assistant Football Coach Bryan Robinson. “We should improve even more next week against Gonzales.”
Other standouts on the game were Brian Post who made one interception for a 55-yard return and Ryan Houston made two sacks for the Lions defense.
“Brandon Bray and Michael Pittman stepped in and played well for the offensive line,” said Robinson. “Matt Tienda, Kenny Brite, Tony Moreno and Paul Juarez assisted with the rushing off and it was just a great job by all the players.”
The freshman and junior varsity Lions play at Lions Stadium on Thursday, Sept. 6.
See you at the game.


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