
Legal Notice – May 6, 2016: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)




Notice to anyone having a interest in the C.D. Staton Lease must call 936-355-4331. An Oil Lease should be available in the Tilmon area.



Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retailers Permit by Luis Ruiz dba Taqueria

3 Gallos, to be located at 1201 Pancho, Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas. Officers of said corporation is Luis Ruiz.




Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Pedro Rivas, Jr., Deceased, were issued on April 19, 2016, in Cause No. 10114, pending in the County Court at Law of Caldwell County, Texas, to: Petra (Patsy) R. Juarez.


All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.


c/o Alan C. Fielder

Attorney at Law

119 S. Main St.

Lockhart, TX 78644


DATED the 19th day of April, 2016

Alan C. Fielder

Attorney for Petra (Patsy) R. Juarez

State Bar No.: 06967000

119 S. Main St.

Lockhart, TX 78644

Telephone: (512) 398-2338

Facsimile: (512) 398-7327





Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Leda Belle Myers, Deceased, were issued on April 19, 2016, in Cause No. 10113, pending in the County Court at Law of Caldwell County, Texas, to: Gary Gene Myers.


All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.


c/o Alan C. Fielder

Attorney at Law

119 S. Main St.

Lockhart, TX 78644


DATED the 19th day of April, 2016


Alan C. Fielder

Attorney for Gary Gene Myers

State Bar No.: 06967000

119 S. Main St.

Lockhart, TX 78644

Telephone: (512) 398-2338



Auction Notice

Lockhart ISD will be auctioning an 84 passenger bus. To bid on the bus please go to The auction will open Monday, May 2nd and close Thursday, May 12th. To preview the bus, please contact Tanya Homann at 512-398-0052 or by email at The preview date will be Tuesday May 10th from 8 to noon. Pickup must be by appointment on May 16th thru May 18th.









Notice is hereby given that on April 19, 2016, Letters Testamentary were issued to:



by the County Court at Law of Caldwell County, Texas, in Cause Number 10116, pending upon the Probate Docket of said Court.

All persons having claims against said estate are on notice of this administration and are hereby requested to present the same within the time prescribed by law to:




600 Congress Ave

Ste 2100

Austin TX 78701-2986



Sealed proposals addressed to the Mayor and City Council of City of Lockhart, Texas will be received at the City Hall, 308 West San Antonio, Lockhart, Texas 78644, until 11:00 A.M., May 26, 2016, for construction of the 2015 CDBG Water Improvements, TxCDBG Contract No. 7215300, at which time and place will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after closing time will be returned unopened. Bids are invited for several items and quantities of work as follows:


Principal items of construction 2,400 feet of 18” PVC water main and all necessary appurtenances.


Bidders shall submit a bid bond by an acceptable surety in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid issued with each bid for contracts greater than $100,000.00. A certified check or bank draft payable to the locality or negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (as par value) may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond.


The successful Bidder must furnish Performance and Payments Bonds each in the amount of 100% of the contract price from an approved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as Surety and acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of Treasury of the United States, or other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner.


Attention is called to the fact that not less than, the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) wage rate, as issued by the Texas Department of Agriculture and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual identity, gender identity, or national origin. Adherence to the grant recipient’s Section 3 Policy is required for contracts and subcontracts in excess of $100,000.00.


All contractors/subcontractors which are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project.


Plans and specifications may be examined without charge at Lockhart City Hall. Bid Documents and Construction Drawings for the project may be viewed and downloaded free of charge (with the option to purchase hard copies) at Bidders must register on this website in order to view and/or download specifications, plans and other related documents for this project. Printed copies of the specifications and drawings may also be viewed at the Engineer’s office, TRC Engineers, Inc., 505 East Huntland Drive, Suite 250, Austin, Texas 78752, (512) 454-8716.


Please submit questions for this project seven (7) days prior to bid opening through in the Q&A portal. All addenda issued for this project will be posted on It is the responsibility of the Contractor bidding to use proper scaling, paper width and length, etc. Failure to do so may result in error in the Unit Bid Quantities and/or Bid Amounts.


The Council of the City of Lockhart reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive formalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the City for a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder’s qualifications prior to the contract award.



Lew White, Mayor




Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retailer’s Off-Premise Permit by Vishva Inc dba Pac N Go #905 to be located at 16985 San Marcos Hwy, Martindale, Caldwell County, Texas. Officer of said Corporation is Bhavesh Savalia-Pres/Sec




Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retailer’s Off-Premise Permit by Vishva Inc dba Pac N Go #906 to be located at 18911 San Marcos Hwy, Martindale, Caldwell County, Texas. Officer of said Corporation is Bhavesh Savalia-Pres/Sec






Caldwell County will be accepting sealed bids for:


Construction of Schuelke Rd. (CR 222)


Sealed bids marked:   “CSJ 0914-22-068, Bid Opening Monday, May 16, 2016 at 9:00 AM”


Will be received by Caldwell County at:

Caldwell County


Attn: Debra French, County Auditor

110 South Main Street, Room 303, Lockhart, Texas 78644 until 9:00 AM, local time, on

Monday, May 16, 2016 at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read.


To submit proposals for this contract, prospective bidders shall, on Monday, May 16, 2016, meet the following requirements: (1) be qualified via “Confidential Questionnaire” by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for bidding on State projects or within the ninety (90) day grace period for the preparation of a new qualification statement, or have submitted the Confidential Questionnaire and have it on file with TxDOT at least ten (10) days prior to the date proposals are to be opened; (2) be registered with the State of Texas; and (3) provide suitable evidence of prior experience for similar work and be able to provide written documentation of successfully completed similar contracts.


Plans, specifications, and bidding documents for pre-qualified bidders and interested non-bidders may be secured from CivCast’s website ( beginning Sunday, April 24, 2016.


Bid security in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid, issued by an acceptable surety company or in the form of a certified or cashier’s check, must accompany each bid as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into a proper contract and execute bonds and guaranties within ten (10) days after the date contract documents are received by the awarded contractor. Performance and payment bonds will be required as stated in the bidding documents.


Caldwell County is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the above-scheduled time and date for the opening of the bids or authorized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be accepted.


Issued by order of the Caldwell County Commissioners Court on Monday, October 26, 2015.


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