
Legal Notice – Sept. 1, 2016: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)


Notice of Public Sale

Pursuant to the provisions set forth in Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, Lion Country Storage will hold a public auction of the property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Bids will be made for the contents of the entire unit only. Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash only, and the highest bidder must place

his lock on the unit door and take possession of the property immediately Lion Country Storage shall reserve the right to reject any bids.


Date: Wednesday September 14th

Time: 11:00

Lion Country Storage

Location: 2100 North Colorado St.

Lockhart, TX 78644

Names:Danny Nealy

Contents: Office Desk, computer, cloths and Boxes and Misc. items



The City of Lockhart Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 14, 2016, at 7:00 P.M. in the lower level of City Hall, 308 West San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas, to receive public input regarding the following:


ZC-16-05. A request by James Quezada for a Zoning Change from CMB Commercial Medium Business District to CCB Commercial Central Business District on part of Lots 1 and 6, Block 28, Original Town of Lockhart, consisting of 0.185 acre located at 109 West Walnut Street.


All interested persons owning property within 200 feet of this property wishing to state their support or opposition must do so at this Public Hearing; or they must submit a written statement to the City Planner or his designee for presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission at or before the time the Public Hearing begins.


In the event that property owners should desire to protest the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission, they must: (1) file their written protest with the City Secretary on or before five days prior to the Public Hearing before the City Council; and, (2) the written protest must be signed and acknowledged by the owners of at least 20 percent of the land included in the proposed change, or by owners of at least 20 percent of the land area within a 200-foot radius of the boundary of the proposed change. To be a valid protest, both conditions (1) and (2) above must be met or the petition will be rejected.


The City of Lockhart City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2016, 7:30 PM in the City Council Chamber, 3rd floor of the Clark Library-Masonic Building, 217 South Main Street, Lockhart, Texas, to consider this zoning change request, the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and valid protests if any.


Dan Gibson

City Planner

512-398-3461, ext. 236




The City of Lockhart Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 14, 2016, at 7:00 P.M. in the lower level of City Hall, 308 West San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas, to receive public input regarding the following:


SUP-16-14. A request by 119 West San Antonio Street, LLC for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Mixed Use Building, with a brewpub/restaurant, apartment, and Special Events Facility on Part of Lot 1, Block 22, Original Town of Lockhart, consisting of approximately 0.11476 acre zoned CCB Commercial Central Business District and located at 119 West San Antonio Street.

All interested persons owning property within 200 feet of this property who wish to state their support or opposition may do so at this Public Hearing; or they may submit a written statement to the City Planner or his designee for presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission at or before the time the Public Hearing begins.


Should any person be aggrieved by the Commission’s action, a request may be submitted in writing for an appeal to City Council. Such request must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator (City Planner) within ten calendar days of the date of the Commission’s action.


Laura DeVore

Assistant City Planner

512-398-3461, ext. 240


The City of Uhland will hold a meeting at 06:00PM on September 7, 2016 at City Hall, 15 North Old Spanish Trail, Uhland, TX to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2016 . The proposed tax rate is 0.194900 per $100 of value.


The Caldwell County ESD #2 will hold a meeting at 7:00PM on September 8, 2016 at Maxwell Fire Station, 9655 Hwy 142, Maxwell , TX to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2016. The proposed tax rate is 0.100000 per $100 of value.


The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in Caldwell County ESD #2 by 3.412616 percent.


The Caldwell County ESD #3 will hold a meeting at 06:30PM on September 14, 2016 at the MVFD , 111 Lockhart St., Martindale, TX to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2016. The proposed tax rate is 0.100000 per $100 of value.


Capital Area Housing Finance Corporation
Notice of Public Hearing

In accordance with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), notice is hereby given that the Capital Area Housing Finance Corporation (the “Corporation”) will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 13, 2016, at the Caldwell County Courthouse, 110 S. Main Street, Commissioners Court Room, 2nd Floor, Lockhart, Texas 78644. The Corporation’s designated hearing officer will conduct the hearing on behalf of the Texas Counties of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Williamson and the Texas City of San Marcos (the “Sponsoring Political Subdivisions”).

The purpose of the hearing is to provide residents of the Sponsoring Political Subdivisions an opportunity to comment on the proposed issuance by the Corporation of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds to be issued in one or more series (the “Bonds”) in an aggregate face amount of not more than $30,000,000. The Bonds will be issued for the benefit of Lockhart TC I, LP, or an affiliate thereof (the “Borrower”), in connection with the acquisition, construction and equipping of a multifamily housing development consisting of approximately 288 units to be located at 2111 W. San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas 78644 (the “Development”). The Borrower will own the Development and the land on which the Development will be situated.

The Bonds will be limited obligations of the Corporation, payable solely from the revenues, receipts and resources of the Corporation pledged to their payment. The Bonds will not constitute an indebtedness or obligation of any of the Sponsoring Political Subdivisions (or any other city, county or other municipal or political corporation or subdivision of the State of Texas) or of the State of Texas, or a loan of credit of any of them, within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision.

All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments on the proposed issuance of the Bonds. Questions or written comments prior to the date of the hearing may be directed to the Capital Area Housing Finance Corporation, 4101 Parkstone Heights Drive, Suite 280, Austin, Texas 78746, Attention: Jim Shaw at (512) 347-9953.





Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Ben Ray Ratliff, Deceased, were issued on August 23, 2016, in Cause No. 10145, pending in the County Court at Law of Caldwell County, Texas, to: Babette Rae Olmsted.


All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.


c/o Alan Fielder

Attorney at Law

119 S. Main St.

Lockhart, TX 78644


Dated the 23rd day of August , 2016.


Alan C. Fielder

Attorney for Babette Rae Olmsted

State Bar No.: 06967000

119 S. Main St.

Lockhart, TX 78644

Telephone: (512) 398-2338

Facisimile: (512) 398-7327



P U B L I C   N O T I C E


A Public Hearing before the Construction Board of Appeals for the City of Lockhart will be held on Thursday, October 6, 2016, at 9:00am in the Glosserman Room of City Hall, 308 West San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas to determine if the below-listed property(s) are Unsafe Building(s) and/or a Public Nuisance according to Sec. 12-448 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lockhart. All interested parties are urged to attend this Public Hearing.


Property Address

Legal Description

Violation(s) Noted


511 ASH ST – STOREY, JAMES L., LOT PT 3 – 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12


1014 SCHEH ST – GREENHILL ANNEX, LOT 3 – 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12


521 SABINE ST – EAST SIDE, BLOCK 3 LOT 19, 20 – 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12


836 CLEARFORK ST – A002 BERRY, FRANCIS, ACRES .4 – 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12


Violation List


  1. The building, structure, or any part thereof is liable to partially or fully collapse.
  2. The structure or any part thereof was constructed or maintained in violation of any provision of the   building code or any other applicable ordinance or law of the city, county, or state.
  3. Any walls or other vertical structural members list, lean, or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity falls outside of the middle third of its base.
  4. The foundation or the vertical or horizontal supporting members are 25 percent or more damaged or deteriorated.
  5. The nonsupporting coverings of walls, ceilings, roofs, or floors are 50 percent or more damaged or deteriorated.
  6. The structure has improperly distributed loads upon the structural members, or they have insufficient strength to be reasonably safe for the purpose used.
  7. The structure or any part thereof has been damaged by fire, water, earthquake, wind, vandalism, or other cause to such an extent that it has become either a nuisance or dangerous to the public health, safety or welfare.
  8. A structure or any part thereof that is in such a condition as to constitute a public or an attractive nuisance.
  9. The structure or any part there has inadequate means of egress as required by the building code.
  10. The structure or any part thereof is a fire hazard, or is substandard, dilapidated, or otherwise unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare.
  11. The structure or any part thereof is designed for or is being used in the commission of a crime.
  12. Any building, structure or portion thereof regardless of its structural condition, which is unoccupied by its owners, lessees, tenants, or other invites and is unsecured because of missing or unlocked doors or windows, or other unsecured openings from unauthorized entry to the extent that it could be entered or used by vagrants or other uninvited persons as a place of harborage or could be entered or used by children.
  13. Any unoccupied building, structure, or portion thereof which is boarded up, fenced or otherwise secured in any manner if the building still constitutes a danger to the public even though secured from entry, or the means to secure the building are inadequate to prevent unauthorized entry or use of the building.

Shane Mondin

Building Official


Crystal Clear Special Utility District

Amended Rules and Regulations

Effective October 1, 2016


Each account will be increased $1.00/month and each block rate for water is increased 5%.

Section C: Definitions – The word rates” was added to the definition “Public Utility Commission of Texas”

Section D.1 – “Geographic Area Served Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for Wastewater.” Now that we will provide Wastewater Treatment, this section is required.

Section E.6 – A $5.00 service charge was included for notifying the owner of tenant’s past due status.

Section E.21: – Meter Tampering and Diversion of Service Language added to define the ownership of the meter being the District.

Section E.24: – Includes the TCEQ Rule number covering the prohibition of multiple connections to a single tap. “per Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC) [291.89(a)(4)]”

Section F.9(A)(1): – Contractor Selection and Qualification. We reference Appendix (B)

Section G.(1)(2): – Wording was added to define the difference between a Standard and Non-Standard Service.

Section G.2(B)(1-5): – The steps for requesting a Non Service Meter Request is listed.

Section G.5: – Includes; Impact or Capital Recovery fee, and how we will access the living unit Equivalent numbers.

Section G.5(B)(1): – When property is deemed as Non-Standard Service this information can be found in Section G.1.A(1).

Section G.(6)(E): – Added information for charging a 2% fee for credit card payments

Section G.(8): – When a payment agreement is agreed upon, the last fees cease, and there will be a $10 a month fee till account is current.

Section G.21(a-c): – If the District determines, or a request is made for service outside the normal scope of utilities operations, the cost will be paid by the customer.

Appendix D, Purpose(4)(a)(b): – Under “Purpose:” where it says “insert geographic description”, working will be added (in Section D.1). (4)(a). Septic Tank Effluent Pumping”. The Wastewater Capacity Fee of $500. (4)(b) To better alien with the fee for Customer Service Inspections, we will do the inspections for the $60 fee.


The Caldwell County Unit Road System is seeking bids for the period October 1st, 2016 and terminating September 30th, 2017. The following bid items are Aggregate, Asphalt Materials, Flexible Base, Fuel (Regular Unleaded/No. 2 Diesel – low sulfur), Oil and Lubricants.


Specifications may be obtained by contacting (512) 398-7269 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (Monday thru Friday). The item bid on should be clearly marked on the front lower left hand corner of the envelope. Bids should show unit pricing and be submitted to the County Auditor’s Office, Caldwell County Courthouse, located at 110 S. Main St., 3rd fl., or P.O. Box 98, Lockhart, Texas 78644.


The deadline is September 2nd, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. Bids will be opened in a public meeting of Commissioner’s Court, September 12th, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., located at 110 S. Main St., 2nd fl., Lockhart, Texas








Respondent, Greetings:


YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear and answer Plaintiff’s Original Petition before the DISTRICT COURT of CALDWELL COUNTY, at the Caldwell County Justice Center, 1703 S. Colorado St., thereof, in Lockhart, Texas, by filing a written answer at or before 10:00 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday next after the expiration of 28 days from the date the service of this citation, to PLAINTIFF’S ORIGINAL PETITION filed in said Court, on the 17th Day of MAY 2016, in this Cause, numbered 16-O-190 on the docket of said Court and styled:







If you fail to file an answer by such date, judgment by default may be rendered for the relief demanded in the petition.




ISSUED AND GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of said Court at Lockhart, Texas, this the 28th day of JULY 2016.



District Court, Caldwell County, Texas

1703 S. Colorado St., Box 3

Lockhart, Texas 78644


By Juanita Allen DEPUTY


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