
Letrice Scott


Letrice Lynn Scott passed away on Sept. 17, 2011. She was born April 24, 1954, in Brownwood, Texas, and was the beloved daughter of Henry W.  and Letrice June Luman (Winfrey).

She worked as a pediatric RN at Brackenridge Children’s Hospital, where she met Ricke K. Scott. They were married in August 1986, and recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary.

When Letr

ice and Ricke married, she added to her family Ricke’s three wonderful children. They soon became her own. In April of 1991, the love of her life, Shelby Lauren, was born and completed their family.

Letrice loved everyone she met and they loved her. Her love for travel started when she had the opportunity to live in Germany. She was a graduate of Angelo State University.

Left to mourn her passing is her husband, Ricke Scott; her children: Shelby Scott, of Brownwood, Amanda and Gerry Butts, of Cedar Creek, Travis and Michelle Scott, of Mulvane, Kan., and Ryan and Shelby Scott, of Udall, Kan.; her mother, June Luman Winfrey and her husband, Charles, of Brownwood; her sister and her husband, Cleta and Dan Ernst, of Austin; her nephews, Chris and Erik Ernst; her special aunts, Juanita Strohm and Marie Priddy, of Bangs and Brownwood, Texas; and her eight grandchildren, who she loved unendingly.

Preceding her in death is her beloved father, Henry W. Luman and grandmother, Opal Wilson.

Funeral services were scheduled at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011, at McCurdy Funeral Home in Lockhart. Arrangements by McCurdy Funeral Home, Lockhart, Texas, (512) 398-4791.



  1. Diana Beal Kunce 7 March, 2012 at 19:27 Reply

    Letrice and I went to nursing school together at ASU. She was in my wedding in August 1974. We spent lots of fun times at Lady and Uncle Joe’s house there in San Angelo. We even worked at Shannon in the Pediatrics department together. After graduation we somehow lost contact. I have never forgotten the fun and mischief we enjoyed together those several college years. I am truly sorry that I didn’t try to locate her sooner. My heartfelt sympathy to her husband and family. Diana Beal Kunce

  2. Patsy Smith 4 March, 2014 at 05:14 Reply

    Letrice and I went to Nursing School together at ASU. She was such a beautiful and sweet girl. She went to Christoval with me and my family… where some would swing out on a rope and drop in the river. We had a cook out and a lot of fun. I have often wondered about her, where she was and how she was doing… I am sad to learn she passed away. I am very sorry I did not look for sooner. Rest in peace Letrice. Patsy Smith, RN, Class of 1975.

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