LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Longtime journalist mourns 5 slain newspaper employees


There’s something different about working at a newspaper that doesn’t happen at a regular job. No matter what happened the day before, you still have to put out a paper.
You can be sick and you still put out a paper.
The whole town can be shut down because of a blizzard and you still put out a paper.
You can be evacuated from your home, not sure you will ever see it again because a giant wildfire bearing down on it and you still put out a paper.
Someone can bust into your place of work, shoot at you and murder five of your friends and you still put out out a paper.
Please take a minute to read about the five journalists who died yesterday simply doing their job and share their story with as many people as you can.
I mourn for them and I applaud the work that went into telling their story by those who had to set aside grief and shock to make sure it was told.

Chris Dukes


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