
Letters – Bands, bullets and bad decisions


Reader praises unsung talent

To the Editor:

Read your recent article “Lions, Lady Lions return to work” with great interest.

Since moving to Lockhart two years ago, my wife and I have talked about attending a fall football game. We’ve bought “Lockhart Lions” shirts, caps, and sweatshirts at Walmart, but haven’t found an op

portunity—until now.

As an ex-high-school athlete in the dinosaur age in a place far, far away from the Texas heat, I appreciate what Lockhart kids do to get ready, but, now, living just three blocks from where the Lockhart Lion band is practicing, day-after-day, hour-after-long hours holding “pretend” instruments as they time their drills, I look forward to the coming season.

Sure, the athletes get all the glory, but I can never look at this band without really appreciating their dedication!

They have—and are as I write this—worked so hard. Go Lockhart Lions High School Band!

Dennis McCown



Property owner questions joint litigation

To the Editor:

LPR Staff’s column of July 30, 2015, concerning the Joint Litigation Agreement (JLA) for the SH-130 Environmental Park indeed made me a very nervous taxpayer.

Last I heard, Caldwell County had not come into a wealth of money. We still have to prioritize things like cost of living raises for county employees, road repairs, infrastructure needs, law enforcement for river safety, and on and on.

Judge Schawe continually advises the Commissioners to look at their budgets and be sure the money is there before committing to an expenditure.

There is a huge potential for big and extended financial obligations for legal fees and who knows what other costs as this JLA progresses. The fact that there is no public knowledge of what is being hatched up is unacceptable.

Wake up fellow taxpayers and recognize what a vocal minority of opposition has caused your County Commissioners to agree to do! Wake up Commissioners, it is not too late to opt out of this and let the big money wrassle this gorilla. I guess it’s not necessary to end by saying I am overwhelmingly opposed to spending my tax money like this.

Noel V. Smith



Reader questions city protections

To the Editor:

Are city officials’ efforts to preserve the quality of life and environment in ALL our communities, or not?

This would NEVER happen in Mayberry; not under Sheriff Andy Taylor’s watch.

Our street, East Market, was gathering to give our children a positive sendoff to school on Saturday, Aug. 22, around 5 p.m.

As we were gathering and setting up for the event, gunshots began to ring out. Not knowing what to do, thoughts were racing in our minds: gather the children and run for safety, drop to the ground, take cover, raise our hands, then silence.

We realized the gunshots stopped as we looked around us no one was hurt, crying.

Then the shots rang out again.

We asked one of the adults to call the police for them to come and inquire.

After the police coming and inquiring, we were told that target practice was going on the property behind our house. As kids, we referred to that property as “Callahan’s Bottom.” We were told that those participating in the target practice had a permit from the city.

Now my question is, would the City issue a target shooting permit for Ross Circle, San Jacinto Street, Somerset, or is East Market an exclusive neighborhood to have target practice? Last I looked at my taxes, I am in the city limits.

Again, we thank the City officials for their efforts on preserving the quality of life and environment. We look forward to the next target practice – in what neighborhood?

Hattie Carter




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