Letters – Good Samaritan receives help all over town


I think of Lockhart as a representative of small-town Americana and this idea was proven to me this morning, July 25, by several acts of kindness.
I spotted a forlorn puppy in town, on the street with two-way stop signs adjacent to the Courthouse. I stopped and parked in order to coax it onto the sidewalk.
A woman with white hair and glasses driving a gray car to

ld me to call your Humane Society by going into the bank. She also gave me a bottle of water for the dog.
I went into the bank and asked them to call the Humane Society. The greeter graciously emptied her cup of tea, so that I could put water in it.
Another young woman with blond hair and glasses talked with me while waiting for her husband. An employee of the bank with short blond hair and glasses took her time to see about the dog.
None of them had to help me, but they did. And I want to say thank you here.
Angela Marchese
San Marcos


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