
Letters – Landfills and Legislators


Reader stands against landfill proposal

To the Editor:

I am writing in regards to the proposed SH130 Environmental Park being brought to our community by Green Group Holdings, LLC, and the recent articles published in this paper.

As a nearly three-year resident of Lytton Springs I am very disturbed about this proposed development. As

a child I have always admired the beauty of Lockhart and Caldwell county, and when my husband and I were looking for a location to start our family near enough for his Austin commute with the capability to expand my small business we were overjoyed to find our home just outside Lytton Springs.

As both a new mom and the owner of an equestrian business I am very concerned about how this “environmental park” will impact the traffic on FM 1185 and which is traveled by numerous school buses on a daily basis. And the environmental impact this development will have on my property and the surrounding countryside, in regards to rainwater runoff, drainage and air quality.

The proposed 20 full time jobs brought in by this project are not enough to outweigh the cost to our water supply, air quality and surrounding property values.

We have a perfect example of how a dump can stunt community growth just up the road.

If we look at how much I-35 has grown in the last 8 years between San Marcos and Austin; Creedmoor compared to the rapid growth of Kyle, Buda, and South Austin has been left in the dust.

Why? Because Creedmoor is considered to be dump in the eyes of the public and surrounding communities.

We are already seeing development inching its way down from Austin, and this whole area has huge residential and retail potential in the next 10 years.

Caldwell currently is not a rich county and putting a dump here is not going to help attract residents and businesses as they spill over and out of Austin.

Why are we willing to take a measly 20 jobs now when we, as a community, will have the opportunity for so much just a few years in the future? Why should we settle for a dump? Aren’t we worth so much more?

Kaylon Robinson

Lytton Springs


Voter asks for term limits

To the Editor:

I just don’t understand why the Federal Government refuses to accept the fact that we the people are being ignored and taxed unbearably while they exempt themselves from all the laws.

The US House has passed many funding bills over the past few years to address the budget but the Senate refuses to consider any of these.

The Budget crisis is not about what the people want. It is about the power in Washington. The money is too good.

We need to stop paying these idiots any retirement, reduce their annual pay, and send them home after six years. The average citizen must live within our budget or income so it is time to demand that those in Washington live by the rules they force on us.

Rick Johnson




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