
Letters – Reader encourages incorporation


To the Editor:

Lytton Springs, Texas.

This quiet community stuck in time since the 1800s is, sadly, I fear, no more.

A landfill, new school, sub par mobile home subdivisions, a new 300-mobile home division on Barth Road, 97 acres rumored east on County Line Rd, loud outdoor music, traffic increasing and people pouring in.

As a kid, you coul

d lay down on County Line Road and nap. Coyotes were the only thing that passed to lick your face to see if you were dead. Today it is a challenge to get a good nights sleep without the car stereos blasting at 3 a.m.

At the Fourth of July party, a man asked if it was time to incorporate, so a town meeting was called. It was met with an angry crowd yelling, “There is nothing out here anybody wants,” and I was an outsider! My response? “If you think I am an outsider just wait till the real outsiders show up.”

On Sept. 3, 2013, Green Group Holdings announced the landfill.

At the Sept. 15, 2013, incorporation meeting, the first thing I said was, “You all called me an outsider. The real outsider showed up and brought a landfill!” This got your attention.

The issue of incorporation fizzled.

With the new school, those who were opposed are now asking what to do. My response? “You all have said many times, ‘I live inside Bastrop County 150 feet’, you’re on your own!”

The landfill is an impending issue looming. This town is the closest community to the landfill and will be most affected. So I will be clear.

I do not want a landfill.

I have stated this fact many times but somehow some have twisted the facts around that there are people who believe “I” am GGH and “I” need to be stopped because “I” am ruining the county.

I do not run the community of Lytton and will include all those wishing to support town events. I cannot choose who comes and who goes. If I exclude one I must exclude others.

Should I exclude the Pastorfrom opening prayers because an Athiest objected? Exclude the Democrat party from setting up a booth because a Republican objected; or the Republican Party because a Democrat objected?

When I received a donation from Lowes of Bastrop, I did not hear any objections.

I am thankful Green Group donates to the community.

But this letter is not about me or the landfill, but about preserving Lytton.

I have read on social media, some calling Lytton a dump. I have heard it myself from a few visiting Lytton. This breaks my heart about the place I’ve called home for the last 34 years.

I call upon the elders of Lytton Springs to take the necessary steps to preserve the community of Lytton Springs.

Incorporate now!

Growth can be a good thing if it is managed properly.

Randy Laney

Lytton Springs


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