
Letters – Lone Star Grand Prix and Agenda 21


Race fan boggled by schedule changes

To the Editor:

As an avid race fan, I was pleased that the Texas Lone Star Grand Prix had decided to schedule their 2013 kart racing event in Lockhart with the support of the City of Lockhart and the community.

After attending the US Grand Prix in Austin last November, I was looking forward to seei

ng the karts racing around the Courthouse Square.

Unfortunately I was extremely disappointed that the schedule was changed from what was published in the Post-Register on Feb. 21, and in the City of Lockhart’s special publication.

I was unable to attend Saturday’s events due to the Lion Relays track and field meet, and I was looking forward to seeing the final kart races on Sunday afternoon from 3 – 5 p.m.

My wife and I arrived at the racetrack at 2:45 p.m., looking forward to seeing two hours of competition. Instead we only saw 5-10 laps of the last event, and did not have time to get to the Courthouse Square before the race ended.

One of the city’s workers told us that the schedule had been moved up to 11 a.m. I spoke to one of the kart drivers from New Braunfels, and he was not aware that the schedule had been changed.

In the Feb. 21 Post-Register, a schedule for Sunday was published that the “Pre-Final Race” was scheduled from 1 – 3 p.m., and the “Final Race” was scheduled from 3 – 5 p.m.

The City’s special publication did not have a detailed schedule, but stated that on Sunday at 5 p.m., “Racing Ends.”

When I returned home as a frustrated race fan, I noticed an updated schedule had been published on the bottom of the front page of the Feb. 28 Post-Register. However, in the first paragraph the notice stated that the final races on Sunday would end “near 4 p.m.,” but two paragraphs later it stated that the main event was scheduled from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Unfortunately I was not aware of the different, conflicting schedules until after the races were complete.

I hope to see the event return to Lockhart in 2013, but I hope that the schedule is better coordinated so that I can actually see the karts racing around the courthouse as I had hoped to see this year.

Dave Cich



‘Sustainable’ may not mean acceptable

To the Editor:

Pieces of UN Agenda 21 are becoming clearer if you attended the Sustainable Places meeting in City Hall. Not only does this project dictate where we can, and can’t, buy land and build, but they anticipate many people and are limiting Square parking spaces. We’ve but two choices for the Square; one has the same number of spaces and one a dozen less. Questioned this, a man (allegedly a developer, to gain financially from this project) told me people can walk. Before I could reply that I live 14 miles from town, another leader quickly chimed in that the courthouse staff is moving to the Wal-Mart/Judicial Center, so we don’t need more parking.

Really? Are no other entities allowed to move into these vacated offices? Don’t the anticipated new residents and tourists need parking spaces? This follows A21 of fewer cars for “air quality.” Additionally, it demonstrates the intent of government to keep people in confined areas (world order). The presenters mentioned the future Lone Star Commuter Train as a reason for not needing a car. Few parking spaces mandates fewer cars.

These “Sustainable Places” are being brought by Austinites (via government monies) to Elgin, Dripping Springs and Hutto, as well. Elgin has a group fighting to let capitalism and to let Elgin decide what’s best for Elgin.

In the Post-Register (Dec.15, 2011), Page 5A cited Dan Gibson (Lockhart City Planner) as the “go to” person. The article stated this project included HUD monies “managed” by CAPCOG, the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan by CAMPO, the city of Austin and Envision Central Texas. Sally Campbell, executive director of Envision Central Texas (ECT), stated that this project will address the one way congestion of commuters to Austin. Isn’t 130 to do this?

These NGOs (non-government organizations) using government (our) money are redefining/eliminating our local freedoms and using permission from city councils and counties to do so.

Sadly, these Austin-based NGOs and their hired Austin firms are leading the charge to subtly manipulate us on how “our” city should look. Even the Lockhart City Planner (of 15 years) doesn’t live here, but in San Marcos. I’m guessing (fearing) all four cities end up identical; minus a landmark or two… cookie-cutter style.

Thursday night it was stated that we can keep our courthouse. Gee, thanks Austin for letting us keep “our” courthouse that “we” built and pay to maintain and repair.

The city and county (voluntarily) pay dues to CAPCOG, CAMPO and ECT for grant monies. These “non-voted on” entities are slowly controlling our waterways, land use and air quality. We pay them twice (income taxes and yearly city/county dues) to regulate us.

If the court passes a pending resolution, they (CAPCOG) can control 9-1-1 regionally; not by individual “yearly contracts” but by “forever” and may even be given the power to tax us (using fees, compensation, etc.) through SB 628.

Can we refuse 9-1-1? Will we be able to keep our Second Amendment Rights? What a spider web of control!!

Susan Modrall




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