
Letters – Reader describes difference between liberal and conservative


To the Editor:

There have been many comments that the Honorable Tom Bonn, John Cyrier and Fred Buchholtz are not living up to being true conservatives. But, in fact, these gentlemen are real examples of conservatism.

Political conservatism has always meant that those in power in the government “conserve” more decision-making power regarding people’s lives t

o itself, rather than allowing citizens to have more decision-making power so that they can control their government and make more decisions that affect their own lives.

For example, if the rules were in place to allow for it, the budget could have been put out there for the Caldwell County taxpayers to vote on rather than only a handful of officials. Does it truly matter that they were elected?

Once they leave office, the budget is behind them and no longer a concern of theirs. These gentlemen have truly lived up to the meaning of being conservative by the way that they drafted and passed the budget with minimal necessary public input.

They have also been unfairly accused of being liberals. If they were liberals, county taxes would pay for health insurance for everyone in the county. Why should conservatives agree to allow county taxes to pay for health insurance when they do not agree for federal taxes to pay for health insurance? Wouldn’t that be hypocritical?

Conservatives expect all people to pay for their own health insurance and do not expect taxes to pay for it.

I am surprised that conservatives who elected them into office didn’t already know this and expect this to happen.

It is not true to say they have not acted like conservatives and are acting like liberals. When it comes to health care and health insurance, liberals are a far cry from conservatives and nothing like them.

Rebecca Vann




  1. Andrew 29 November, 2011 at 18:26 Reply

    This is perhaps the most ignorant redefinition of the term “conservative” that I’ve ever come across. So conservatism isn’t about conservation (of values & principles) but consolidating power – really? LOL

    County taxes should pay for healthcare for all county residents? Are you really that big of a dolt?

    Out of curiosity I pulled up last year’s budget.

    County revenues are about $15 million. That money goes towards govt operations (offices, personell, etc.), roads, law enforcement/corrections, courts, etc. Heck, even a whole million goes towards debt service… apparently the county already has a substantial amount of existing debt that is has to pay interest on. There was a deficit of $100,000. So the county is already spending more money than it receives in taxes.

    Tell me, how is the county supposed to fund something incredibly expensive like healthcare? I personally pay $750/mo for my family, plus a deductible. There are 38,000 people in Caldwell county. Let’s say that equals about 9,500 families. That’s over $85 MILLION / year in healthcare costs. How is a county that pulls in $15 million and is already operating at a deficit supposed to come up with an additional $85 million???!??

    Respectfully, you’re an idiot.

  2. Mike 2 December, 2011 at 22:53 Reply

    Rebecca writes…
    “Political conservatism has always meant that those in power in the government “conserve” more decision-making power regarding people’s lives to itself, rather than allowing citizens to have more decision-making power so that they can control their government and make more decisions that affect their own lives.”

    Ummmmm… What??

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