Letters – Reader praises LJHS students, staff


To the Editor:
I hardly ever get involved in the inner workings of what goes on within our school district. However, I have not read anything in the paper about Lockhart Junior High School receiving the Blue Ribbon Award, which is the highest award that a school can receive in the United States.
It is my understanding that the principal, and others will go to Was

hington, D.C. to receive the award. To me this is absolutely fantastic.
It is also my understanding that the junior high was recognized by TEA for being nominated for the Blue Ribbon Award. It is also my understanding that the principal of the school has been awarded this award before in another school district. To get this award two times in a lifetime is astronomical.
However, you cannot get this award alone. You have to have teachers who know how to teach and administrators who know how to administrate.
This award is based on three years worth of statistics that include things like grades, attendance rates, and school security.
I congratulate the principal, the faculty and staff, and other administrators for achieving this great award. The citizens of Lockhart and Caldwell County who have children in the school system should be proud of what has been achieved.
James Key


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