Letters – Relay for Life: Reader says ‘just do the math’


To the Editor:

The 2011 Relay For Life of Lockhart was held this past Friday and Saturday at Lockhart High School – Lion Stadium. According to the website, there was $13,690 raised by 24 teams and 400 participants.

That seems like a goodly amount of money. But as always, everything is according to perspective.

These folks that worked so hard to fight cancer may want to

know (or may not) that the LOWEST paid director of the American Cancer Society, Chief Mission Officer Terry Music, had a yearly salary of $406,807, according to the Society’s posted tax returns for fiscal year 2009. This works out to $203.40 per hour, based on a 2000 hour per year work calendar (allowing 80 hours for vacation).

The $13,690 donation check from Lockhart Relay for Life will pay Ms. Music’s salary for eight days, plus about three hours and 19 minutes.

Contrast that with the salary of the average Lockhart citizen. The median income for Lockhart residents is $18,514. That’s $9.26 per hour. Lockhart wage earners must work 185 days, to about the middle of September, or into the 37th work week of the year, to make the same amount of money that the lowest paid exec makes in eight days.

Now I hardly have the heart to do this, but let us consider the highest-paid exec, National VP William Barram, who made $2,428,592 for that same tax reporting period. Music looks like a pauper comparatively, as Barram earns $1,214.30 per hour. Did I mention that this is Barram’s retirement pay?

The average Lockhart breadwinner needs to work 16 days and three hours, or more than three weeks, to earn the same as Barram does in one hour. Remember: this is retirement; no work is necessary.

Compassionate people want to save lives. I applaud every citizen who put on their Nikes and worked so hard this past weekend. I, too, have gathered sponsors and walked miles for “the cure.” Then, through personal investigation and a family member’s tragedy, I learned the truth.

In the mid-1930s, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife developed a machine based on cell frequencies that cured all cancers, 100 percent of the time. However, this technology eliminated the need for drug cartels.  His work and reputation were destroyed by those who established the American Cancer Society.

The average donation appears to have been around $35 and about 3 percent of the population participated. What if there were a Cancer Information Health Fair that citizens of Lockhart could attend for that same amount (or less)? Something that would offer education and presentation of true prevention and healing modalities? Something that would empower people with the ability to Fight Back when disease hits, and give them a reason to Celebrate when they are healed and still have their hair, and to Remember taking personal responsibility for their own health is always the best course?

I challenge the health professionals of Lockhart / Caldwell County who understand these principles to begin the task of offering a viable solution for next year.

Donna Voetee




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