Letters – Visitor blasts local law enforcement agencies


To the Editor:

On May 4, I attended a seminar on K-9 Legal Updates and Opinions held at the VFW Hall in Lockhart. Attending was law enforcement, U.S. Customs, DPS troopers, school security and prison systems and the Texas Youth Commission.

Those that attended from all over the state of Texas pumped money into the local hotels, restaurants, and service stations.

I am sorry to say I was embarrassed when some attendees noticed that the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department and the Lockhart Police Department did not make an appearance even to welcome them to the city which would have been a common courtesy.

Mr. Curtis Pilgrim spent time and effort in putting this seminar together. He stated “if the seminar saved one law enforcement officer’s life or saved a canine dog all the hard work was worth the effort.”

Unfortunately action speaks louder than words as far as the Lockhart Police Department and the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department is concerned.
Ruby Donahue


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