
LHS track team advances to Regionals


The Lions had great results at the District Track Meet in Del Valle this past Thursday and Friday.
The Lady Lion varsity team ran away with the District Title scoring 158 points. This victory is the first District Title for the Lady Lions in three years. The Lady”s were led by Senior Tara Chapman who scored points in five events, qualifying for regional in the 100 Hurd

les and the Triple Jump. Freshman Levi Massey won two gold medals in the 1600 and 3200. Aly Daily won the pole vault with a new school record of 10″6 and also qualified for regional in the 1600 and 3200.
“I”m glad we won district my senior year,” Tara Chapman said. “These girls have worked very hard this year and it showed this week”.
The Lady Lions regional qualifiers were Whitney Winn in Discus; Tara Chapman in Triple Jump and 100 Hurdles; Alyson Daily in the 1600, 3200 and Pole Vault; Rebecca Gregg in Pole Vault; Venoris Carter in Pole Vault; Tami Warner in the 800 and 1600; Cecilya Smith in the 100; Alyssa Mitchell in the 400; and Levi Massey in the 1600 and 3200.
The Lions finished a very respectable second place. Leading the Lions was senior Joey Uker who qualified for Regionals in the 110 and 300 Hurdles; senior Jamelle Bennett qualified in the Shot Put and Discus; and senior Christ West who won both the 1600 and 3200.
Regional Qualifiers for the men included Joey Uker in the 110 hurdles, 300 hurdles and1600 M Relay; Jamelle Bennett in Shot Put and Discus; Michael Lewis in Shot Put; Daniel Cudzilo in Pole Vault; Clay Culpepper in the 800; Chris West in the1600 and 3200; Mason Larkin in the 1600;
“The Coaches and staff at Lockhart High School are very proud of the accomplishments of all the athletes,” Coach Seth Westmoreland said.

Individual Results:
Men”s Varsity Results:
Discus: Jamelle Bennett-2nd-148″06.5, Michael Lewis-4th-131″08.5
Pole Vault: Daniel Cudzilo-1st-12″3
Shot Put: Jamelle Bennett-2nd-48″06.75, Michael Lewis-3rd-47″04.75
800 M Run: Clay Culpepper-1st-2:00.54
110 M Hurdles: Joey Uker-2nd-14.20, Dwin Roland-4th-15.08
4X200 M Relay: 5th-Nick Jones, Daniel Cudzilo, Gabriel Amaya, Patrick Stephenson
300 M Hurdles: Joey Uker-3rd-39.57, Dwin Roland-4th-40.75
1600 M Run: Chris West-1st-4:38.46, Mason Larkin-2nd-4:38.87
4X400 M Relay: 3rd-Dwin Roland, Joey Uker, Hector Rodriguez, Chris West
3200 M Run: Chris West-1st-9:33.13

Women”s Varsity Results:
Discus: Whitney Winn-3rd-93″06, Constance Robbins-5th-91″03
Long Jump: Tara Chapman-4th-16″09, Mariah Carter-5th-16″06.25
Pole Vault: Alyson Daily-1st-10″6″, Rebecca Gregg-2nd-8″00, Venoris Carter-3rd-7″06
Shot Put: Whitney Winn-4th-34″10, Constance Robbins-6th-33″01
Triple Jump: Tara Chapman-3rd-35″11.75
4X100 M Relay: 4th-Briana Swist, Tara Chapman, Mariah Carter, Cecilya Smith
800 M Run: Tami Warner-1st-2:27.31, Leandra Garcia-6th-2:35.36
100 M Hurdles: Tara Chapman-1st-16.07
100 M Dash: Cecilya Smith-2nd-12.04
400 M Dash: Alyssa Mitchell-2nd-1:01.86
300 M Hurdles: Tara Chapman-4th-49.53
200 M Dash: Cecilya Smith-4th-25.40
1600 M Run: Levi Massey-1st-5:35.56, Tami Warner-2nd-5:38.77, Alyson Daily-3rd-5:47.78
4X400 M Relay: 4th-Alyssa Mitchell, Leandra Garcia, Levi Massey, Tami Warner
3200 M Run: Levi Massey-1st-12:15.97, Alyson Daily-2nd-12:44.05, Elizabeth Garcia-3rd-12:49.00

Boys JV Results:
800 M Run: Sean Smith-1st-2:06.00, Scott Woody-2nd-2:07.80, James Saldana-3rd-2:08.08
110 M Hurdles: James Silva-1st-16.56
300 M Hurdles: James Silva-2nd-42.80
1600 M Run: Sean Smith-1st-4:45.92, Stoney McCrary-3rd-4:47.36
4X400 M Relay: 4th-Sean Smith, Frankie Rodriguez, Stoney McCrary, Scott Woody
Discus: Keith Congdon-4th-105″03.50
Shot Put: Keith Congdon-6th-36″05.5
Triple Jump: Terrance Waldon-4th-38″09.25
3200 M Run: Jonathan Fitzgerald-1st-10:23.97, Stoney McCrary-2nd-10:28.20

Girls JV Results:
800 M Run: Ardath Casteel-2nd-2:51.31
1600 M Run: Ardath Casteel-3rd-6:19.08, Ashlyn Spring-4th-6:21.94
Discus: Cherish Turner-2nd-78″02.50
Long Jump: Sarah Mills-6th-13″06
Shot Put: Cherish Turner-3rd-27″05
3200 M Run: 2nd Courtney Lee-2nd-14:04.21

Freshman Boys Results:
300 M Hurdles: Edgar Silva-2nd-47.48
4X100 M Relay: 2nd-Gerald Cuellar, Gaylon Hill, Edgar Silva, Joseph Gonzales
4X400 M Relay: 1st-Rory Tunningly, Scotty Castanon, Gabe Sargent, Marlon Ellison
100 M Dash: Gerald Cuellar-2nd-11.81
200 M Dash: Gerald Cuellar-3rd-24.83
800 M Run: Gabe Sargent-1st-2:14.59, Scotty Castanon-2nd-2:20.15
1600 M Run: Rory Tunningly-1st-4:50.47, Gabe Sargent-2nd-5:01.45
3200 M Run: Rory Tunningly-1st-10:27.38
110 M Hurdles: Edgar Silva-1st-18.78
Discus: Nick Villareal-1st-100″08


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