
Lion country kicks off season


By Alonzo Garza

The Lockhart High School Athletic Booster Club Sports Rally hit Lion Stadium at around 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 23. The booster club hamburgers went on sale at 5:30 p.m. and the rally’s official start time was 6:30 p.m.
There were plenty of celebrating people and cheerleaders and Lionettes practicing routines before the actu

al start time.
It was about as hot as it could get on an August evening in Texas. Some of the band members were dripping sweat as they waited for their cue to go on. The Lionettes and cheerleaders did not seem to be affected by the heat. Maybe it was because they were not required to carry a tuba or a drum kit around.
The Lockhart High School Lionettes practiced their dance routines while the cheerleaders practiced their cheers. The LHS Band made its way into the Lion Stadium shortly before start time. The bleachers began to get more parents and family in them after the football teams made their way onto the Lion Stadium field after their daily football practice was over.
Girls Athletic Director, Coach David Johnston introduced coaches and school administrators as they each took turns addressing the parents, families and spectators. The band played a couple of numbers, the cheerleaders did some routines and the Lionettes performed for the folks in the bleachers.
The rally was fairly short and sweet. Students and their groups were introduced as the band, the football team, the volleyball team, etc. The 2008 seniors were also introduced and they got to address the audience individually. Some interesting comments were made, but in general, the remarks were brief.
Hamburgers were selling for a dollar by the end of the event so some lucky people were able to buy dinner before they went home. It was a bit hot at 6 p.m., and it did not start getting any cooler until after the rally was over. Perhaps a later time would be better for some heat sensitive people. Well, maybe next year. Go Lions! See you at the games.


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