LISD approves dress code changes


By LPR Staff

Despite one Lockhart Independent School District Trustee”s stated objections, LISD approved a secondary school handbook that will impose major changes to the Lockhart Junior High School dress code next year.
The changes address what LJHS principal Susan Brooks calls a “modesty issue.” She said there were many cases last

year in which students wore clothing that challenged the boundaries of decency.
“They”re making the shorts shorter and shorter, and some of the tops are getting smaller and smaller,” she said.
The new dress code will not allow students to wear any shorts above the middle of the knee, and will only allow tee, polo-type or button-down shirts.
Although the significant changes apply to the LJHS campus only, the code had the full support of all the secondary school principals, as well as most of the board.
Although he voted in favor of the handbook containing the dress code policy, Trustee Clint Mohle stated for the record that he objected to certain aspects of the dress code. According to Mohle, some of the policies are outdated and “sexist,” including the policy about pierced jewelry.
The full text of the Lockhart ISD Student Handbooks, including the dress code policy, can be found online at
In other board business:
Carver Kindergarten Principal Barbara Bernal announced that she had been selected as a semifinalist in the “HEB Excellence in Education” awards contest. Bernal is one of thousands of Texas teachers and administrators nominated for the award each year.
Lockhart ISD entered into an agreement with Austin Community College to provide support and instruction to graduating seniors regarding applying for colleges and financial aid.
The trustees agreed to change the school calendar for next year to allow students to be out of class on March 2, the first day of the Caldwell County Junior Livestock Show.
The board approved keeping two Student Resource Officers (SRO”s) in the budget for next year, pending funding approval from the City of Lockhart. One of the police officers will be stationed at the Lockhart High School Campus, while the other will share his or her time between the other secondary campuses.
The LISD Board of Trustees meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.


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