
Maxwell WSC rescinds “boil water” warning


By LPR Staff

The Maxwell Water Supply Corporation announced Wednesday morning that lab results had come in, and customers no longer had to boil their water prior to drinking it.

The warning was issued on Monday after a weekend line break caused a decrease in water pressure for Maxwell WSC customers. That pressure decrease triggered

a mandate from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requiring Maxwell WSC to warn customers about the possibility of bacterial contamination in the water.

According to Michael Hurlvert, the corporation discovered on Saturday that a 12-inch line had broken, causing a decrease in pressure to many MWSC customers. Because the rupture was on a “county-wide line,” it took a great deal of time to pinpoint the break and reroute the water.

“We are required [by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality] to issue a boil-water warning whenever our pressure is down for an extended period of time,” he said. “It”s a precautionary measure we are required to take until we get the tests back on bacterial levels.”

Hurlvert said Wednesday morning the lab results had come back clean, proving the water continues to be safe. He thanked customers for their cooperation and understanding.

For more information, contact Maxwell WSC at (512) 357-6253.


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