Mishap mars election results


By LPR Staff



Candidates in the March Primary Elections got a shock last week when officials discovered voting tallies did not match.

While reviewing the paperwork from last Tuesday’s election, Elections Administrator Pamela Ohlendorf found the number of votes counted did not match the number of individuals ac

tually signed in to vote on Election Day. Ohlendorf immediately sought advice from the Secretary of State’s Office, according to information released by Caldwell County District Attorney Fred Weber on Tuesday.

“Further investigation revealed a problem with the device used to count the ballots,” the release advised. “This device is programmed by Electronic Systems and Software. ES&S is contracted by Caldwell County to provide technical support and services for electronic voting and tabulation of ballots. This device in question is separate and apart from the electronic voting machines used by voters to cast their ballots.”

Although Weber advised the exact nature of the problem with the software was unclear, it was thought that the device was not “cleared” after the early voting numbers were finalized, and those numbers may have inadvertently been included with the Election Day totals.

Early this week, Caldwell County, under the advice of the Secretary of State, submitted a petition requesting a court order demanding a recount. Weber said officials from both the Democrat and Republican parties locally were in support of the petition, and that candidates had been made aware of the situation. On Tuesday afternoon, District Judge Jack Robison ruled on the petition and ordered the recount. Under his ruling, party officials and candidates on the ballot are welcome be present at the recount.

The recount was ordered to be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9. See the recount results here.


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