New insurance program a hit at LISD


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

Fifty more Lockhart ISD employees have enrolled in the Lion Care Health Insurance program from last year, according to Chief Financial Officer Nicole Dean.

The self-funded program began for LISD employees on Sept. 1.

“We have 663 employees enrolled,” Dean said during Monday night’s LISD Board Meeting. “We have 1,004 total with employees and their dependents.”

In other business:

Dean also mentioned the possibility of adding more portable buildings to LISD campuses, where there are already 14. Much will depend on the Nov. 8 bond election for LISD, a $71 million request to add additional buildings for the ever-growing student population within LISD.

“What other options do we have?” asked Dean. “Well, if we lease them there will be some savings. I believe it’s a three-year lease.”

LISD Superintendent Mark Estrada said if the bond did pass, “We would know we would have some relief coming.”

Estrada said there was also an option of having portable buildings with no bathrooms, and with plumbing cost and everything else involved that would be a savings of about $400,000.

But there is a safety issue with students needing to walk outside to other buildings to use a bathroom.

“It would be a challenging situation,” Estrada said. “The bond would certainly influence our decision if we lease of purchase.”

Legacy of Excellence Coins were presented to Bluebonnet Elementary 4th grader Zaylen Green for placing third at a national cornhole competition in St. Louis.

Also recognized were Lockhart Post-Register’s Best of Caldwell County LISD winners for 2022. Those included: Best Teacher  K-5 — Joann Alfier; Best Teacher 6-8 — Aryn Dauterive; Best Teacher 9-12 — Amber Crabill; and Best Coach – Scott Hippensteel.


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