
ON THE MEND: Deputy recovering following surgeries; suspects in shooting released after posting bond


Caldwell County Sheriff’s Deputy Jay Johnson smiles for the camera as he rests in a Central Texas hospital awaiting one of multiple surgeries he’s had since suffering gunshot wounds during a service call in Dale on Feb. 2. Photo used with permission of Friends of Jay Johnson – Deputy Caldwell County Texas

By Miles Smith

A Caldwell County Sheriff’s Deputy who sustained injuries after being shot during a Feb. 2 service call is recovering after a series of surgeries.
Sgt. William Miller with the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office said a surgery Deputy Jay Johnson was scheduled to have Tuesday would be his last for awhile as he continues the recovery and rehabilitation process.
“He’s doing good,” Miller said. “He’s having his last surgery for awhile. It’s going to be an exhaustive recovery period, but we’ll get him in good shape and out of the hospital soon.”
According to a Facebook page set up by friends and family members of the deputy, Johnson was in recovery following the latest surgery as of Tuesday night. As of this week, the page’s updates showed Johnson up, moving around, feeding himself and appearing alert.
The page’s organizers are providing updates on the deputy’s condition as well as organizing fundraising efforts for him and his wife. To learn how you can help, visit

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