
Original Black’s BBQ Teacher of the Week


Name and grade you teach: Mary Helen Ortiz, 5th grade at Navarro Elementary School.

What subjects do you teach? All subjects.

Hometown: Lockhart.

Where did you graduate and with what degree(s)? “Southwest Texas State University, BS in Education.”

Favorite thing(s) about teaching at Lockhart ISD: “The students, administration, faculty, and staff at Navarro Elementary.”

How would your friends describe you? “As a teacher who loves her career.”

What values are most important to you? “Being honest, ethical, and a hard-worker.”

Talents: “Sewing and crocheting.”

Favorite Books: “James Petterson books.”

Favorite Music: “Any genre.”

Hobbies: “Crossword puzzles, watching sports, watching movies, and Candy Crush.”

What brings you hope? “My grandchildren (Kemp, Evalyn, and Jordynn.”

Family: “Rob, Anna, and Kemp Ortiz; Julayne, Evalyn, and Jordynn Williams.”


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