
Pablo Charles, Jr.


Pablo Charles, Jr., known to family and friends as “Pablito,” passed away on Saturday, Sept. 27, 2013 at the age of 76. He is survived by sisters, Janie Mojica and Margie Espinoza; brother, Victor Charles; 11 nieces, two nephews, and many great- and great-great-nieces and nephews. Pablito was preceded in death by his father, Pablo Charles, Sr., mother, Epifania Hernandes Ch

arles, and nephew Thomas Espinoza Jr.

Pablito was a simple man who enjoyed walking and sitting around town in Lockhart while enjoying conversations with his local friends. He was also kind and caring to his nieces and nephews.  As a young person he migrated for work in the fields with his family, did factory work and odd jobs when he could.  He will be missed by all.

Funeral arrangements were completed by Deleon’s Funeral Home, Lockhart, Texas, with mass service held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Oct. 1, 2013. Honored to serve as pallbearers are Martin Chavez, Daniel Chavez, Victor Nino, Jr., Martin Mojica, Jr. and Fabien Mojica. Honorary pallbearer is Tony Martinez.



1 comment

  1. Andés A. 16 October, 2013 at 12:23 Reply

    Por favor, acepte mis condolencias por la pérdida de su querida amada. Tenga la tranquilidad de saber que nuestro Creador pronto quitar todo el dolor, el sufrimiento, el dolor y la muerte para siempre! Que esta promesa de ayudarle a ganar la fuerza y la paz interior para hacer frente a los días venideros. Apocalipsis 21:3,4 Filipenses 4:13

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