
Ruth Madeline Mitchell


Ruth Madeline Mitchell of Lockhart died Oct. 6. A memorial service was held Oct. 10 at the Trinity Baptist Church in Austin with Pastor David Barkholder officiating. Interment preceded the service in the Hines Chapel cemetery in Adamsville.
Ruth, the daughter of Thuron Hamilton Hunt and Zula Vivian Shelton was born May 6, 1925 in Buchanan, N.M. She had three sisters an

d four brothers.
Ruth was born again when she accepted Christ as her all sufficient Saviour when she was a young girl.
In 1944 Ruth married Lewis Day Mitchell. They had four children, Mack Day Mitchell (deceased), Bobbie Haidusek, Sheila Aires and Robert Kelly Mitchell. Ruth was also blessed with four grandchildren, Brandy, Stephanie, John and Audra. But her greatest joy, after Jesus, her precious Saviour, were her great-grandchildren, Carelyn and Sage.
Ruth moved to Lockhart, Texas in 1998. She was a great favorite of everyone at the Golden Age nursing home, because she was so sweet and happy and grateful for anything anyone did for her. Her favorite pastime was reading her Bible and when she could no longer do that, she listened to it on tape. She also greatly enjoyed listening to hymns and gospel music.
Ruth brought joy to many people and we will miss her. However, we know for those who have trusted Christ as their Saviour, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Her struggles are over now and she is safe in the arms of her Saviour.


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