
Super Scoop – Grateful superintendent bids community fond farewell


I can”t leave Lockhart without saying “Thanks!” to many people. To begin I want to thank my office staff who have not only welcomed me into your building, but have also welcomed me into your hearts. Your support was felt from my first day on the job and I will truly miss each one of you.
Thank you parents who work so hard to help your children succeed; thank you for ta

king the time to help with homework, attending all those late night activities, listening to those squeaky music practices, helping raise all those animals, and helping memorize all those lines. You trust us with your most cherished possessions and support our efforts to make Lockhart ISD a special place for children to learn and succeed.
Thanks to you teachers for the countless hours you spend preparing lessons, grading papers, planning projects, sponsoring various organizations, and continually supporting our students. You not only challenge our students in your classroom, but you also serve as counselors, mentors, and role models. You touch and change lives every day.
Thanks to you principals, secretaries and support staff who deal with an unbelievable list of issues that come up on a daily basis. You serve as bus ticket taker, bloody nose towel holder, referee, counselor, weatherman and volunteer miracle worker. You folks are amazing and I want to say, “Thanks.”
Thanks to those in our school system who work behind the scenes to make things run smoothly. The cafeteria staff does a great job keeping our children fed and our cafeterias operating efficiently. These folks arrive at the school early, stand over hot stoves for hours, and never complain. Thank you for a job well done.
Thanks to all the Durham Transportation folks who get our students to school and return them home safely. When most of us are sound asleep in the mornings, they are cranking up buses and preparing them for another day on the road. Driving a bus loaded with energetic students on a long trip, waiting for the activity to end and driving back to Lockhart while everyone else on the bus relaxes is a tough job. Our drivers receive special training, special licenses, work with special students, and are truly, special people.
Our maintenance staff really goes the extra mile to keep our buildings safe and clean for our students. The maintenance workers and custodians create the atmosphere in which our teachers teach and our children learn. When visitors drive up to our campuses or go into our buildings, they can see the maintenance department”s Lion pride reflected in sparkling windows and polished floors.
Finally, I want to thank the Board of Trustees of the Lockhart ISD. Thank you for bringing Shelley and me to your wonderful community. We have felt the warmth of a people who truly love their community wish God”s blessings on each of you.

Editor’s Note: Bailey’s separation from the Lockhart Independent School District became effective on April 15, 2008. We at the Lockhart Post-Register express our thanks and regards to Bailey, and wish him well in the future. We also welcome the return of Dr. Jack Cockrill, who returned to the district as Interim Superintendent on April 14, 2008.


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