Tearful exit as County dismisses longtime employee


By LPR Staff

After 22 years of service, a longtime employee of Caldwell County was victim to a “Reduction in Force,” this morning, despite what she called promises that she would be moved to another position within the government.
The Commissioners Court voted 4-1 this afternoon to enact a “reduction in force,” terminating th

e employee, who has worked for Caldwell County for 22 years. Her termination date was chosen as June 30, 2013.
Having heard information about the plans to terminate her position, which was rendered obsolete when the Commissioners entered an 1115 Waiver agreement with Seton last year to manage Indigent Health Services, Rhoda Chavira accused the Court and County Administration of not communicating with their employees, and said she had no idea that the termination of her position was coming.
“What happens to me now?” she asked in a tearful statement to the Court before their final vote. “I was promised that I would have a job… why should I have to retire in another county? Why can’t I retire here?”
Find out the reasons for the reduction in force, and other details about today’s meeting in this weeks’ Lockhart Post-Register, on newsstands on Wednesday.



  1. Daniel Murphy 22 May, 2013 at 19:05 Reply

    I think that’s sad that they chose her to let go (I understand her position was no longer needed), but they can have the HR person and the Administrator who makes probably 3 times what she makes.. Sad Sad day..

  2. Mike Villalobos 23 May, 2013 at 17:19 Reply

    The political party of obstruction, not willing to discuss a logical budget and not willing to cut one dime from defense, has put this country through financial turmoil. Not even to mention the cuts in essential programs affecting jobs, the needy, the aged and the very young, it has put all state and local governments in dire straits. Sequester is just another name for “who cares about the average person?” It is time to elect more progressive, open-minded politicians and time to replace the obstructive ones. The answer lies at the ballot box.

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