
Terrell, Callihan keep offices


By LPR Staff

Two incumbent candidates emerged victorious on Tuesday evening after facing challenges in the Democratic Party Primary.
Only Precinct One Constable Victor “Smitty” Terrell and Precinct Two Constable Richard Callihan both faced challengers from within their political party, while all other candidates, both on the Republi

can and Democratic tickets, went unopposed.
Fernando “Fred” Pruneda entered a bid for Terrell”s office earlier this year, but fell short at the polls, earning only 475 votes (35.5 percent) to Terrell”s 865 (64.6 percent). Former Lockhart police officer W. Neal Rodgers posed less of a challenge to Callihan, receiving only 269 votes (26.2 percent) to Callihan”s 758 (73.8 percent). Neither Terrell nor Callihan will face a challenge from the Republican party on the November General Election ballot.


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