
Texas urges residents to submit self reporting damage survey to aid in coordinating disaster relief supplies


By Kristen Meriwether, Editor LPR

Did your pipes break in the storm? The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) is encouraging Texans affected by the recent winter storm to complete the Self Reporting Damage Survey to help identify damages across Texas, and help emergency management officials gain an understanding of the damages.

“I urge Texans to fill out the Self Reporting Damage Survey and provide crucial information on the winter weather impacts to their home or property,” Governor Greg Abbott said in a press release. “The information gleaned from this survey will help our state identify the full impact of this winter weather and help emergency management better serve Texans.”

The data will be used to provide information to FEMA and highlight the need for federal disaster assistance for individuals. 

The survey is voluntary, and is available in both English and Spanish. This is not a substitute for reporting damage to insurance companies, and does not guarantee relief from FEMA. It is simply to help assess the need. To access the survey go to


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