Theresia Baker


Theresia Baker, 73, of Lockhart, passed away on April 2, 2014. She was born on Aug. 28, 1940 in Zichydorf, Yugoslavia, to her German parents Theresia and Mathias Brenner. Her father lost his life as a German soldier in WWII, leaving behind his wife and four children in Yugoslavia. After surviving several different ethnic German work camps in Yugoslavia, Theresia’s mother wa

s able to return to Germany as a refugee with her three surviving children.

Theresia Baker worked in shoe factories until meeting her husband Otto Ehl, Sr., They had three children together. They divorced. Theresia later married a U.S. soldier, Stewart “Pete” Roberts. They moved to the United States in 1965 and had one daughter. While Pete served several tours in Vietnam, Theresia attended cosmetology school where she became a licensed beautician while raising her daughter and trying to learn English.

Theresia always enjoyed dancing. In the 1970’s she enjoyed formal ballroom dancing. In the 1980’s she took an interest in square dancing and through this love of dancing she met her late husband Carlos Baker. Theresia remained an active member in Austin’s Waterloo Squares square dance club until her diagnosis with cancer in December, which left her too weak to continue dancing.

Theresia is survived by her children Otto Ehl, Christine Herl, and Sabine Wagner, along with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Pirmasens, Germany. She is also survived by her daughter, Janet McCormick, son-in-law, Richard McCormick and her grandchildren, Katie and Kelsey McCormick, of McMahan.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 7, 2014, at First United Methodist Church in Lockhart, with Rev. Rob Clopton officiating. Interment followed at Jeffrey Cemetery in McMahan.

Arrangements under the care and guidance of McCurdy Funeral Home, 105 E. Pecan, Lockhart, Texas 78644 (512) 398-4791.



1 comment

  1. Kathy Cash 10 April, 2014 at 17:00 Reply

    My family and I are so very sorry to hear about the passing of Mrs. Baker. We loved her. We first moved here in 2004 and she was immediately our friend as well as Mr. Baker. They always walked their dogs and would always chat with us. We often talked about her’s and my love of Germany. She told me she was sick and I would see her at the pharmacy. Heaven gained an amazing lady and angel. We are certainly blessed to have called her friend. Rest in Peace Theresia, we will miss you.

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