
Watch as His seed turns into something really big


By William F. Holland Jr. 

DD., C.ED.D.

Spring mornings are always a little special on the Graham family farm. But this morning was going to be extra special, as little Timmy Graham was to be finally allowed to open the prized present his Paw Paw had given him at Christmas, three months earlier.

A gift given him in love, like the one given to his father and his Paw Paw when they were just boys. So, as the smell of coffee, bacon and eggs wafted down the long hall to his room, little Timmy laid in his bed still fast asleep.

Old Meany, the rooster, perched high upon the fence outside his window, began his good morning serenade. Timmy called him Old Meany, after the rooster decided to help tame Timmy’s bright red hair one sunny afternoon as he laid in the porch swing, by roosting on his head. 

With the happy new day tune playing outside his window, slowly little eyes opened, followed by a long stretch and finally a big smile bursting forth on his face. “Today’s the day,” he sang, as he marched down the hall. “I’m getting it today,” was the chorus repeated. His family now gathered at the table, watched, while smiling, as little Timmy marched with glee and melody around his chair. 

After everyone had finished eating and the table was cleared away, Paw Paw Graham, along with little Timmy’s father, went outside to the old oak patch down near the red barn, taking with them a small shovel, some chicken wire, and numerous other supplies.

In the house, little Timmy sat with a small box in his hands, not so patiently waiting for his mother to get his siblings ready to go outside. Once everyone was assembled near the red barn, they gathered around a small hole dug near the edge of the old oak patch that Paw Paw Graham had helped little Timmy dig. Opening his prized box, little Timmy’s face turned from smiles to a look of disappointment. “This isn’t a tree,” little Timmy exclaimed! “It’s nothing but an ole acorn,” tears swelling up in his eyes. 

Gently kneeling beside his son, Timmy’s father carefully explained that the acorn is the package that holds the tree. And to release the tree we must first bury the acorn. 

Wiping his grandson’s tears away, Paw Paw Graham receives the acorn from Timmy and with a small tool makes striation marks on its shell.

Holding it in his hand for all to see he asks, “What do you see?” 

“An acorn,” everyone sings. 

“What will it be?” He inquires.

“A tree!” Comes the happy chorus.

Then placing his hands on little Timmy’s shoulders, he asks, “What do you see?”

“A boy,” everyone sings.

“What will he be?” He inquires

“A man!” Comes the emphatic chorus.

 “Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it will remain a single seed, Jesus taught us this.” “And unless we surrender our lives to Him, we can never truly have life”.

“For Jesus surrendered Himself to death and burial, before His Glorious Resurrection providing the way for our redemption.”

“Jesus Himself is The Seed of our Salvation, His death released Eternal Life to those that receive it!”

Then together Timmy and Paw Paw Graham placed the acorn in the ground. And covering it Timmy’s father prayed. “Lord, protect this small acorn and in time allow it to grow into the strongest oak tree in the forest, may it be a reminder of not only Christ’s Gospel in us, but of our growth together in Him.”

With hands firmly clasped, the family stood in a circle around the freshly planted acorn, each person voicing a short prayer of thanks for Timmy and his tree of remembrance. 

Over the years, that little acorn became a huge oak tree, the children of generations of Graham’s still playing under it’s canopy and swinging from its branches.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ planted in little Timmy Graham’s heart, bloomed into a mountain of faith, which was shared with all he came to know.

Paw Paw Graham, long gone to glory, never got to see the expansiveness of his planting, yet somehow, he knew it all along. 

And the old oak patch down by the red barn….. it’s nearly out of room! 

Late one Christmas Eve night, long after everyone had gone to bed, an old man, with the sparkle of little Timmy Graham in his eyes, laid in his bed, reflecting on his many blessings. Placing his hand a top a small box on his night stand, he prayed: “Father, thank you for your gift of life, brought to us by the birth of your only son Jesus. We celebrate not only His first birth by a virgin, but remember His Glorious second birth, His resurrection, which is the true reason for our Joy.”

May the Light of Your Gospel shine into the hearts of those most needy. May Your hope planted in us illuminate the way. Come soon Lord!


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