‘Online photo album’ booming


Lockhart Locals site contains thousands of photos
By LPR Staff

Early this month, Lockhart’s own ‘online photo album’ grew to a record capacity, with more than 8,000 photographs of local residents and events.
“We started Lockhart Locals in October 2004 to share community events with our online readers,” said Dana Garr

ett, publisher of the Lockhart Post-Register, which maintains and provides the content for the site. “We only use so many photographs in the newspaper, but we take hundreds at events. We decided it would be a great service to the community to share all of the photos.”
Garrett said nearly 1,000 photographs have been posted to the site in December alone, along with 1,700 in November and 1,500 in October. Photographs include sporting events from junior high school to the varsity levels, along with those from community events such as A Dickens’ Christmas in Lockhart can be viewed from any computer with an Internet connection.
What’s more, Garrett said, is that friends and family can purchase high-quality color prints of any photograph included on the site.
For more information or to view the online album, visit www.lockhart-locals.com.


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