National Night Out Oct. 3


Caldwell County

The Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office is inviting the community to its National Night Out celebration on Tuesday, Oct. 3.
Representatives of multiple Caldwell County law enforcement agencies will participate in a night of community fellowship, conversation and interactive educational opportunities.
“Together, we are making communities safer, more caring places to live and work,” the Sheriff Mike Lane said.
The event begins at 4 p.m. at the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office, which is located at 1204 Reed Drive in Lockhart. Educational features include booths that will be set up to give the public an opportunity to
learn about available local resources. In addition to local agencies, representatives of the Texas
Department of Public Safety, Texas Parks and Wildlife, the HCWC and ADT Security have indicated they will be at the event.
Follow the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office on Facebook for further updates about the event. National Night Out’s origins are in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where it began in 1970 as a small community event that evolved into a nationwide night of block parties in 1984. Today, it’s an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer places to live, bringing members of the public and law enforcement officials together under positive circumstances.


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