Rats, bugs a concern for some students


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

A pair of Lockhart High School students addressed the LISD Board of Trustees Monday night, expressing concern of the safety and sanitary conditions of the theatre and choir rooms.

The students also felt the dress code, particularly for female students, needed to be changed. One student wanted to make the dress code more reasonable during the extreme heat days.

Another student said LHS had a “rat problem,” and another noted many bugs and ants were in her rooms.

Both students said they hoped their concerns would be addressed by the board.

In other business:

A man living near the school administration building said the noise coming from the condensers on top of the building were a nuisance, particularly for those in the area who have not become accustomed to the sound.

“I love everything about living here,” said Christopher St. Leger, “but it’s time to make note of (the noise). I was told they were planning to take care of it, but now I’m told it will be the summer of 2025. I hope that’s right because with it going out to bid it could be 2026.”

The board handed out several Legacy of Excellence Coins, including to 37 members of the Special Olympics Bowling team, Texas Welding Certification recipients, and Varsity Theatre National competitors.


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