
Barbara Ann Williams


Barbara Ann Williams (née Dodson) went to be with Jesus, her Heavenly Father, on Sunday August 5th, 2018.
Born on November 12, 1986, to Steve and Dave-Ann Dodson as a military baby in Spain, she spent the first few years of her life traveling the world. In 1991 she landed in her beloved state of Texas.
Growing up the majority of her childhood on 10 acres of land in Central Texas, she frequently enjoyed being outside climbing trees and exploring. Going to school in Lockhart, Texas she made many deep, lifelong relation-ships many from her band-nerd friends. Many of these friendships still held strong even after her move to Arizona in 2005. Barbara had a brilliant mind, and studied a few different aspects of the medical field – starting her career as a medical assistant in 2009. Since then, she spent all these years helping a countless number of patients, and being a ray of sunshine to every person she came across. She excelled in her career, and made many close friends out of her work-family. Barbara had a vibrant personality that would draw people in; even at her local Starbucks they knew her by name and loved her. This is echoed by everyone – you couldn’t help but be showered by her overflowing, passionate, all-consuming joy.
Growing up, Barbara attended church every Sunday and Wednesday at Lytton Springs Baptist Church. She gave her life to Jesus when she was 12 years old. She loved going to church camp every summer and being an active member of the youth group, consistently getting many friends to join in. She and her husband, Bart Williams, rededicated their lives to Jesus and were baptized together in 2013. The most loved and precious things in her life were her 3 children. Zoey, 10 (daughter of George Frey), Brenton, 8, Rylan, 6 (sons of Bart Williams) were her pride and joy. As she did at many things in life, she excelled at being a mother. Barbara is preceded in death by paternal grandfather, Charles Dodson. Along with Bart and her children she leaves behind father and mother, Steve and Dave-Ann Dodson , younger sister Stephanie with husband Rex Whitton, paternal grandmother, Ethel Dodson, maternal grandparents, Don and Nelda Elswick, and many aunts, uncles, cousins and extended family who all loved her dearly.
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