Burn ban remains off in Caldwell County


LPR staff

The burn ban for Caldwell County remains off thanks to recent rain in the area.

Caldwell County Emergency Management Chief Hector Rangel said there had been a few fires in the county since the previous Commissioners Court, but nothing major.

“For all farmers and anybody who needs to burn, I suggest you start burning,” Rangel said. “Be careful and make sure you contact the sheriff’s department and let them know you’re going to burn.”

In other business:

Darla Law was recognized for her 35 years of service as the county Tax Assessor-Collector.

Gary Dickenson was reappointed to the Luling Foundation Farm Board of Directors. Dickenson has served on the board for 24 years, and is currently the president.

“(Dickenson) does an excellent job,” Caldwell County Judge Hoppy Haden said. “I cannot think of anyone better.” 

Commissioners also approved:

* The county financial audit for FY 2023. 

* A change order necessary to complete the transition from Motorola radio communications equipment to the LCRA’s Trunked Radio System. The project, which will be paid for through American Rescue Plan Act funding, was originally slated to cost approximately $3.5 million when equipment was to be installed only at a central public safety answering point. The approximately $413,000 in additional costs addresses the need for multiple answering points and will cover the expenses associated with installing equipment at the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office, the Lockhart Police Department and the City of Luling Police Department.

* An interlocal agreement with the City of Niederwald. The city will pay Caldwell County to use its crews and equipment to work on a small portion of Schuelke Road. Niederwald will pay for the cost and Caldwell County crews will perform the work.

* The short form plat for Cruz Acres, which consists of 2 residential lots on about 2.51 acres located on Old Lockhart Road and Williamson Road.

* The short form plat for Jaramillo Subdivision consisting of 4 residential lots on about on 23.2 acres located on Taylorsville Road and FM 86.


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