Caldwell County seeks input on transportation plan


The Caldwell County Commissioners Court has put together a team to develop a long range Transportation Plan that will identify and prioritize transportation projects for Caldwell County for the next 20 to 30 years. The team has been hard at work since this summer studying current transportation conditions and identifying current and future needs within the County. In September,

a public meeting was held and a questionnaire was distributed to collect input from Caldwell County residents on transportation needs. More than 140 people responded to the questionnaire with invaluable feedback. The majority felt that improving the maintenance and safety conditions on existing roads is most important, followed by paving gravel roads and expanding public transportation. Please visit the project website for full survey results:

The project team has spent time analyzing the information collected and has developed a draft Map of Projects. The team will be presenting this information to the public on Nov. 29, 2012 and wants to collect additional feedback on transportation solutions.

“Citizens all over the County have taken the time to share their input during this process,” County Judge Tom D. Bonn said. “Because of this participation, the project team has been able to identify projects that are truly a priority for Caldwell County citizens. The Court looks forward to receiving another round of participation from our citizens.”

The County invites all Caldwell residents and other citizens interested in transportation to attend an open house. Background information, the draft Plan maps, and preliminary project priority information will be shared. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit with County staff and the project team, view materials, and share their thoughts on projects and evaluation criteria. A short survey will also be presented to collect additional information. Information shared at the meeting will also be posted on the project website by Nov. 30, for those unable to attend. Comments will be collected from Nov. 29 through Dec. 15, 2012. Then the Transportation Plan will be presented to the Commissioners Court to consider for adoption in early 2013.

The Caldwell County Transportation Plan – Open House will be held on Thursday, Nov. 29, from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the First Lockhart Baptist Church, Fellowship Hall (315 W. Prairie Lea). The workshop will be an open house format with no formal presentation, so attendees may come and go at their convenience.

If you have any specific needs, such as access accommodations or translation, to attend this meeting please contact the project team, at 512-533-9100 ext. 12 at least two days prior to this meeting. Para obtener esta información en español, llame al (512) 533-9100 ext. 12.


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