
Carver students to have books given and read to them


Special to the LPR

Alpha Psi Beta of Beta Sigma Phi is a Community Organization which raises money for the Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) program. It provides two books every year at no cost to all Lockhart School children from Pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade, as well as at Pegasus School.

The Carver campus distribution will be Nov. 27-Dec. 1. Alpha Psi Beta of Beta Sigma Phi has teamed with Lockhart Mayor Lew White, Lockhart Kiwanis Club, Lockhart ISD, and other volunteers who will be reading to the kids during the time they are in the school library for the book distribution. The distribution/reading will be Monday-Friday at the following times: 8:45 a.m., 9:50 a.m., and 10:55 a.m.

Laura Cline, the RIF coordinator at Carver, said about three pre-K classes will come to the library daily beginning at 8:45 a.m. until about noon, an estimated 300 students in all.

“The pre-K students are beginner readers,” Cline said. “We give out a book twice a year to pre-K through 5th grade, and people from Kiwanis will read to the kindergartners. It’s a great opportunity for them to see our community leaders. Six of the classes are Spanish-speaking only.

“I will tell you that for many of them the book they receive is the first book they take to their home. They get to write their name in it. But we need funding. Grants have helped but we rely on the community to donate money.”

RIF has been donating the books for about 40 years, Cline said.


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