
City extends recycling registration deadline


By LPR Staff

In an effort to embrace growing interest in residential recycling collection, the City of Lockhart and Central Texas Refuse has decided to extend the deadline for recycling registration to begin on Oct. 1.

According to Lockhart City Manager Vance Rodgers, more than 30 customers registered for curbside recycling in the l

ast week alone – bringing the total number of registrations to near 80. However, the registrations still fall far short of the 175 required to begin the program.

Under the initial agreement, Rodgers said, the customers had to register prior to Sept. 1 in order to have the program begin on Oct. 1. However, as of last week, only 40 customers had signed up. Therefore, a decision was made to extend the deadline in an effort to give customers in the city’s second billing cycle the opportunity to receive their utility bills with the registration information and return it to the city.

“It was slow getting started, but we think there will be plenty of interest going through this second billing cycle,” Rodgers said. “That’s why we decided to extend the deadline. We know that people get busy and forget, or miss the information in their bills. We want to make sure that everyone that wants to register for this program has the chance, and that we have enough support to get started.”

Registration forms were sent out with the City of Lockhart’s August billing. In addition, forms are available at City Hall, or can be downloaded from the city’s website at

Provided 175 customers register for curbside recycling before the Sept. 15 deadline, curbside collection will begin on Oct. 1, 2009.


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