
City: New trash pick-up hours, no glass recycling


Beginning Aug. 16, City of Lockhart trash and recycling customers will be required to place cans at the curb by 7 a.m. on collection days.
Customers may also have up to seven bags, in addition to their cart, ready for pick up. Customers are asked to make sure their items are placed within five feet of the roadway without obstructing traffic flow for both vehicles and pedestrians.
On Aug. 16, glass will no longer be accepted for recycling. This applies to both curbside and drop offs at the Lockhart Recycling Center.
The city recommends the following methods of glass disposal:
Wrap the item in duct tape, cloth, or an old newspaper to keep them from breaking during transit.
If it’s broken glass, place it in a cardboard box or a container.
Place glass items in your brown cart.
Give them away to a friend or donate them to a charitable organization.
Take them to the landfill.


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