Constancio retires from City after quarter century


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

Hired by then City Manager Phillip Cook in 1998 as a secretary for the Development Services Department, Connie Constancio had no idea she would spend the rest of her professional career at City Hall.

A year after being hired by Lockhart, Constancio became the City Secretary, and she has been in that position ever since. She is retiring on Jan. 27.

“It’s a wonderful path that I’ve been on,” Constancio said.

Constancio has worked for four mayors – Luis Cisneros, John Allred, Raymond Sanders, and Lew White.

White spoke of Constancio’s diligent work as City Secretary, praising her at the Jan. 17 City Council meeting (see related article on this page).

Asked what her most challenging task was as City Secretary, Constancio noted that when such a challenge comes along, “I do what I need to do to get the job done.”

When pressed, she said her job demanded multi-tasking, but as long as she stayed on top of things, things were good.

“Nothing really gets to me,” she said. “It’s just been an exciting thing to be a part of.”

 Constancio did say the move of City Council meetings from the Glosserman Room at City Hall into the Clark Library was important.

“It was just time,” Constancio said. “We just outgrew the Glosserman Room.”

With 11 grandchildren and a 12th on the way, Constancio knows what she’ll be spending more time with family in retirement.

“I will take a couple of years maybe and figure out my path,” Constancio said. “I will relax. I’m looking forward to slowing down. I’ve enjoyed working with all of the mayors, city council members, and staff. We have been like a family. I don’t have a favorite. It’s been fabulous and I have worked with amazing people.”


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