
Council embraces local businesses


By LPR Staff

The Lockhart City Council proved their commitment to seeing local businesses grow on Tuesday evening.
Two local businesses approached the council asking for the city”s assistance to groom their properties. The council embraced both ideas.
First, the council addressed a request for a zoning change from Commercial Li

ght Business (CLB) to Commercial Medium Business (CMB) for the property at 831 S. Colorado, where Mr. Taco is located.
In recent months, the restaurant has acquired parcels of adjoining property and moved houses from the properties in preparation for an expansion of the building and the parking lot, according to city planner Dan Gibson.
Presently, because the business has a drive-thru window, it is not compliant with its current zoning. Therefore, Gibson said, the zoning had to be updated prior to moving forward with any expansion.
“I understand [the drive-up window] has been a source of some traffic problems at certain times of the day,” Gibson said. “We will be looking at ways to make that better as they expand.”
Gibson said that there were no objections in the community to the change, and that the Planning and Zoning committee recommended approval.
The council voted unanimously to grant the zoning change.
Next, during an executive session, the council heard a application on behalf of Preston and Nancee Dobbs for participation in the city”s revolving loan program.
The Dobbs”, whose 33-year-old restaurant burned to the ground earlier this year, have begun rebuilding their business and hope to reopen early this summer. The revolving loan, offered through the city”s Economic Development department, will likely help to defray the costs for rebuilding.
According to councilmember Kenny Roland, the council approved the loan in the amount of $80,000, with repayment expected within five years.
Several members of the council are preparing for a trip to China, returning the visit paid by a delegation from Shangyu early this year. According to city manager Clovia English, a variety of sources will be used to fund the trip, including donations and personal funds paid by the members of the council traveling. English added that it is possible that some of the expenses will be borne by the City of Lockhart. However, the trip is still in the planning phase, and expense totals are not yet available at this time.

In brief council business:
A tract of property at 1014 Red River St. was rezoned from Manufactured Home (MH) to Residential Medium District (RMD) in accordance with current city ordinance. The property, which once was the site of two manufactured homes, was rezoned because the manufactured homes were removed and replaced with a site-built home.
Mayor Ray Sanders presented a proclamation to Judges Todd Blomerth and Ed Jarrett in honor of Jury Appreciation Week, May 2-6, 2005.
The council honored Billy Clark, who has served on the Housing Board for 43 years, but who had to resign his position this year for health reasons.
Councilmember Dick Weiland was absent from the meeting, citing ongoing problems with his health. According to Sanders, Weiland plans to return to council as soon as his health is stabilized.


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