
County prepares for annual Livestock Show


By LPR Staff

Across Caldwell County this week, youth, volunteers and buyers are preparing for the 30th annual Caldwell County Junior Livestock Show and Sale, which will kick into high gear at the Caldwell County Fairgrounds at 1 p.m. on Friday.
The official start of the four-day event was 3 p.m. on Wednesday, when exhibitors in the C

ommercial Heifer category checked in their animals for Thursday’s sale at the Lockhart Livestock Auction.
On Friday, the real fun begins. Exhibitors should begin arriving at the fairgrounds by 9 a.m. to check in their stock – a menagerie of sheep, goats, rabbits, hogs, beef and poultry. Check-in will continue until noon.
At 1 p.m., the Broiler Show will begin. Immediately afterward, students will show Turkeys. Rabbit shows will begin no earlier than 2 p.m. on Friday, with exhibitors showing Market, then Breeding and finally Short Term Rabbits.
Later that evening, at 5 p.m., Lambs, Ewes, then Goats and finally Breeding Goats will be shown.
The livestock show and sale reopens at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning, when exhibitors will show their Market Hogs. Breeding Gilts will follow. Beef showing will begin at 10 a.m. with Steers, then Breeding Beef.
Finally, exhibitors will be judged on Overall Showmanship.
Beginning no later than 2 p.m., an open-to-the-public Pet Show will begin.
After a short break to hose the dust of the show ring off themselves and their animals, exhibitors will return to the Caldwell County Fairgrounds, this time entering the auction ring.
Beginning at 6 p.m on Saturday, individual and group buyers from across Caldwell County will compete for their chance to reward the dedicated students who participate in the Caldwell County Junior Livestock Show and Sale by “purchasing” their animals at auction. The caveat of the auction, of course, is that the students get to keep both their animals, and the sale price those animals fetch.
Those interested in entering a buyers’ group still have time to do so by contacting Kenneth Sneed, Kelley McCormick or the First-Lockhart National Bank.


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