Edwards earns Girl Scouts’ Gold Award


Jada Edwards has earned the Girl Scouts’ Gold Award, the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts of the USA, earned by Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts.

A celebration was held for Edwards at G.W. Carver Early Education Center on May 14.

Only 5.4 percent of eligible Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award. To pursue the Gold Award, a Girl Scout is required to spend a minimum of 80 hours on their project. During the process, Girl Scouts focus on time management, professional development, money management, project management, and organizational skills as a part of the project requirements.

Edwards’ Gold Award project is named Cub Garden-Where Young Minds Bloom! Her initiative created an outdoor learning center for the students at Carver Early Education Center. This initiative focuses on developing social and emotional skills for the students, as well as enhancing their language, literacy, mathematics, science, and reading skills.

Edwards has been in Girl Scouts since kindergarten and is a part of Chisholm Trail Service Unit since first grade. After graduation, she will continue her education at Lamar University with a major in Exercise Science. Immediately after completing her bachelor’s degree, Edwards plans to go to Physical Therapy school. During her time at Lamar University, she wants to use her lifetime Girl Scout membership to volunteer with the Girl Scouts in the area.

Jada is the daughter of Jackie and Dr. Sherrie Edwards and sister to Jessika and Jackie Edwards, Jr.


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