Former Austin mayor injuried in weekend accident


By LPR Staff

Former Austin Mayor Bruce Todd was critically injured in a bicycle accident south of Lockhart on Sunday.
On Tuesday, details about the accident were sketchy. Todd was participating in an organized ride with a cycling group out of Austin, and was apparently alone when the accident happened. A Good Samaritan noticed Todd s

hortly after the accident and notified EMS.
According to Lockhart/Caldwell County EMS Director Cheryl Schneider, the accident occurred on Highway 183 between County Roads 213 and 215. Lockhart/Caldwell County EMS transported Todd to Brackenridge Hospital with what Schneider called “serious injuries.”
On Tuesday evening, Todd’s wife, Elizabeth Christian reported that his condition had improved and the family was “cautiously optimistic.”
“He is able to move his extremities and is becoming more responsive to his surroundings and activities around him,” she said. “After speaking to his doctors, we are hopeful that he will not need any surgery.”
Todd, who was instrumental in Austin laws regarding bicycle safety, was wearing a helmet when he apparently tumbled head-first off his bicycle during an organized ride through Caldwell County. Emergency Room doctors told Christian that the helmet almost certainly saved his life.
Rather than sending flowers or cards, Christian suggested that well-wishers donate a bicycle helmet for needy children, to honor Todd’s commitment to bicycle safety.


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